Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Create a Connection

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The Infamous Proust Questionnaire
You, and I, can find out more about this here. I'll be doing that after I answer the questions.
* Your most marked characteristic?
My verbosity.
* The quality you most like in a man?
A willingness to admit he's wrong and/or he doesn't know the answer.
* The quality you most like in a woman?
Lack of game-playing.
* What do you most value in your friends?
Patience. And a sense of humor.
* What is your principle defect?
* What is your favorite occupation?
Occupation as in job: Cataloger
Occupation as in past-time: Sleeping
* What is your dream of happiness?
Being able to work because and when I want to. Where would be nice as well. I'd love to be able to travel WAAAAAAAY more often than I currently can. Retirement is out, so I'm trying to get as much under my belt now.
* What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
Being friendless and rootless, and unaware of the fact of how sad that life is.
* What would you like to be?
A travel writer, who catalogs books, too.
* In what country would you like to live?
This one, as my home-home. I wouldn't mind having places in other countries as well, though: Greece, Scotland, Italy....
* What is your favorite color?
* What is your favorite flower?
Garden roses, tulips, lilacs, and tigerlilies.
* What is your favorite bird?
No, but really: zebra finches. They look like little clowns (well, the boys do), and sound like Woody Woodpecker. They make me laugh.
* Who are your favorite prose writers?
Kent Haruf, Shakespeare, Robert Parker, Bill Bryson, Molly Ivins, Kate, Chopin, Charlotte Bronte...and others. I can't think of several people I'm sure will come to mind at midnight.
* Who are your favorite poets?
Maya Angelou, Edgar Allan Poe, Ogden Nash, Shakespeare, Seamus Heaney, Nikki Giovanni, Emily Dickinson...and others. See previous answer.
* Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Spenser. The book one, not the TV one.
* Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
V.I. Warshawski.
* Who are your favorite composers?
Beethoven, K.L. King, and J. Lennon would lead the pack....
* Who are your favorite painters?
Dali, Monet (some days), and Michelangelo, in reverse order.
* Who are your heroes in real life?
My dad, my son, my sister Ellen. I have a great deal of respect for what M.L. King, Jr., tried to do, I really liked what Ann Richards stood for, and I do like Gloria Steinem, even though she can be sort of annoying and duh-like at times.
* Who are your favorite heroines of history?
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and ALL the nameless faceless women who carried on through the bullshit of reality.
* What are your favorite names?
My mom's middle name and my dad's first name.
* What is it you most dislike?
People who disagree with me and get in my way.
* What historical figures do you most despise?
Well, the Big Yuckeroonies: Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, et al. And anyone who has ever used religion inappropriately for personal--earthly--glory, at the expense at the rest of humanity.
* What event in military history do you most admire?
The skirmishes that were resolved with minimal or no bloodshed, resulting in an OUTSTANDING LACK of military events.
* What reform do you most admire?
For my own personal life-improvement: women's suffrage and the work of women in the 60s and 70s (and onward) to improve my lot in life.
On a much larger scale: mental health treatment in the past century or so.
* What natural gift would you most like to possess?
* How would you like to die?
A long time in the future and very quickly with just enough warning to prepare myself and my loved ones.
* What is your present state of mind?
I have a headache, my vertigo has returned to visit, and at 8:45 it's still 80 degrees and humid out. Otherwise, I'm fine.
* To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Children's misbehavior in the spirit of group fun (i.e. not meanness).
* What is your motto?
Live long and prosper? May the Force be with you? ehhh.... No, lately it's "Don't let idiots rent space in your head."
No wonder I've never heard of this: I don't read 'Vanity Fair.' I spent too much time reading John Bunyan in my formative years.

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