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What's been weird this week?
It's weird that I can't seem to get any work done at work. I'm not sure where the time is going, but I need to plug the leak and focus. In the past 3 workdays, I've cataloged a total of 50 books. This is bad. I have probably 250 sitting and waiting for attention. Instead I'm dealing with technology stuff, finding out how to fix things that no one else wants to bother with, helping other people with new things we have to do, wandering around looking for pirate gear (arrgh, me mateys, that's the theme for the 8th-grade dance), chit-chatting, reading blogs, reading listserves, working reference shifts... Bollocks. I need to seriously get something done tomorrow, but I will be on reference again for three hours at least...
The weird thing is that I'm not usually like this. I'm usually very nose-to-the-grindstone. I've just caught a really bad case of Distraction or something similar and can't settle.
Weird. Annoying, too.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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