Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Create a Connection

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Getting to Know You Day
from the book The Conversation Piece (hence the odd numbering):

1. question #255 - If you had to change your first name, what would you choose as your new name?
For a very long time as a child, I wanted to be "Tina." No idea why. More consistently, I have always liked "Josephine." It's my mom's middle name--which she hates--but I would love to be "Jo." Shades of Little Women, I know....
2. question #158 - What is your favorite saying, quote, or expression?
I have too many favorite quotes and sayings to list here. The most common words out of my mouth are probably "I'm sorry." Or maybe "oh, well."
3. question #49 - If you could buy any rare collection in the world, which would you choose? Why?
I've always said I don't "do" collecting, but I have developed a collection of oddball s&p sets now, so I can't say that anymore. I wouldn't really want to buy a ready-made collection; part of the joy for me is knowing the history of each set: "We got these as a wedding gift", "These are from Amy", etc.

Part of the problem with rare stuff is that it has to be kept safe. This includes safe from theft, but more important safe from time. I'd like illuminated manuscripts, but imagine trying to store them! Ditto for historical clothing, the Dead Sea scrolls, or anything else. Pass. I'd rather let someone else deal with the hassle.... :-)
4. question #1 - If you could fly in a hot-air balloon over any city in the world, what city would you choose? Why that city? Have you visited there before?
I wouldn't fly over a city (I seem to be having issues with compliance here, eh?). Why would I want to fly over a city? I'd prefer to fly over landscape and scenery: the Sonoran desert, Bryce canyon, Smoky Mountains, the middle of Maine, the Kalahari, a rain forest.... I haven't been to any of these places, except Maine (and I'll be in the Smokies this summer).
5. question #221 - What is an item you own that has a minimal monetary value but has such sentimental value that you would not sell it for $5,000?
My parent's papers. Is that one item? If not, then I guess my grandmother's Bible.

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