Saturday, April 28, 2007


(Link at left)

1. How many weddings have you been to in your life?
I can think of at least 10 off the top of my head.
2. How many funerals have you been to in your life?
Probably at least 10 of those too.
3. Have you ever had a huge birthday party? When was it?
Nope. Don't like "huge" parties.
4. What was the biggest bash you've ever attended?
See #3. I can't think of anything that was huge. I just don't do it. Really.
5. If money were no object, who would you throw a grand celebration for? Why?
Well, it would be nice to have a complete family reunion sometime with cousins, aunts and uncles (of mine) included. Logistically, I'm not sure that's workable due to family dynamics.

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