Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Survey Place

3 random surveys

1. Have you had sex in the past 24 hours? Hmmm, to answer or not to answer...that is the question....
I plead the Fifth.

2. Are you gay? No.

3. Do you have hairy legs? I'm chuckling maniacally now, after only three questions--they all seem to be on the same theme.
But no, my legs are relatively unhairy.

4. Do you like monkeys? Yes. Yes, I do.

5. How many fillings do you have? Let's many teeth do I have...? I'm thinking I probably have between 15 and 25 fillings, if you count the two crowns.

6. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Can't swim, doesn't matter.

7. Have you ever licked one of those square batteries? No. I have absolutely no scientific curiosity in this area.

8. Have you ever read the Bible? Not straight through.

9. Do you wear a lot of black? Not really. Maybe 3 or 4 times a week, but not all at once.

10. Did you ever bring a weapon to high school? Huh. Just my mouth and brain.

12. Do you know what a sphincter actually is? Yes, I do. And I even know that we have several in our bodies, not just the 'famous' one. And I work with a couple of metaphorical sphincters, too, so I'm well-acquainted....

13. Describe your hair? I have shoulder-length brownish-red hair with ash highlights, bangs... I read something recently that described my basic hairdo as a "Republican bob." Having said that, it's in a ponytail, braid or pulled up/back probably 3-4 times each week. And I never...ever...use hairspray because of allergies.

14. Are you a wild beast? Nope. Not in my job description; I'm pretty tame.

15. Do you like to have fun? Yup.

16. Do you like drama? Not in my life...I'm partial to boring.

17. Do you like mayonnaise? 'Sokay, I don't mind it.

18. Are you afraid to die? No.

19. Do you like playing in leaves? The concept is good, the actuality makes me sick, literally. Allergies again.

20. Do you like lyme tics? [sic] I'm assuming that this refers to ticks that cause Lyme, no. Decidedly not.

21. Have you ever thrown up on somebody? Not in retrievable memory...possibly as a baby, possibly during childbirth, possibly when black-out drunk.

22. Are you an adult? About 80% of the time, yes.

24. Do you think you have a good handle on spelling? Uh, yeah.

25. Are you a television addict? I'm a social user.

26. Do you think O.J. is guilty? Do bears shit in the woods? Is the sky blue? Does it ever rain in Southern California?

27. Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? Uhm...see my answer to question #1.

28. On a swing? Yikes. Er, no.

29. Do you like Elvis? Whatever. Good songs, cute face as a young man, great voice all along.

30. Do you enjoy watching animals "do it" on the Discovery channel? See question #22. I have many many better things to do with my time.

31. Ever been hit on at a zoo? How weird is this? Not that I recall. Not that I would necessarily notice, honestly.

32. Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkey? I guess.

33. Does your mom think someone's hot? My mom turned 85 two weeks ago. It's not a subject that we deal with. Ever.

34. Are you a sugar freak? Yes.

35. When you hear a knock on the door, do you think "oh shit it's the cops"? No. Much more likely is the thought that someone is here for Sparky.

36. Will you ever have sex with a total stranger? Not by choice, certainly.

37. Ever commit a crime and gotten away with it? Yes

38. Do you like orange juice? Yes, as long as it's not very pulpy.

39. Ever do the party boy dance in front of the elderly? I have no idea what this is....
OK, I've YouTubed it. No. I don't think I technically CAN do this....but I wouldn't anyway.

40. Where do you wish you were right now? Here is good. The only improvement I can think of is if I were asleep.

41. Did you enjoy this? The questions? They're ok.

42. Did you eat your glue as a child? I tasted glue, I'm sure, and I know I ate paste, but paste and glue aren't the same thing at all!

43. Did you ever put beans up your nose? No.

44. Have you ever heard your parents having sex?

45. Have your parents ever caught you having sex? Nope.

46. Can you roll your tongue? No, I swim in a different gene pool.

47. Can you lick your own nose? No.

48. Do you like Halloween? Yeah, I guess.

49. Did you watch Saved by the Bell? Nope.

50. When's your next vacation off from school? I don't actually go to school. The next day Sparky has off is MLK Jr. day a week from Monday.

51. What're you doing for it? Er, nothing?

52. Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? No, but Beast can.

Last friend you....
1. Saw: I was at church this morning and saw several friends.
2. Talked to on the phone: Amy, though only on telecon, so I'm not sure that counts. If not, then Jenny.
3. Texted: Amy--almost 2 years ago.
4. Messaged over myspace: n/a

1. Wearing: Blue GV pants, red Coldwater Creek pullover...and green sox (selected by Beast when I asked him to find me some awhile ago); and my watch and earrings.
2. Better than yesterday: Yeah...well, they're about even, I guess.
3. What were you doing two hours ago: Simming...till it blew up on me.

1. Is: Monday
2. Got any plans: Woo-hoo: grocery shopping. Maybe going to visit my niece at the hospital.
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: Grocery shopping. Hospitals.

1. Number: 16
2. Season: Fall
3. Movie: "Heathers"

1. Missing someone: Dad
2. Mood: Quiescent
3. Wanting: Pizza


Q: First thing you did this morning:
A: Tried to convince my back to stop no avail.

Q: Last thing you ate:
A: Sour-patch kids

Q: What's bothering you right now?:
A: Not much.

Q: Do you believe in long distance relationships?:
A: I believe they exist. I don't know if I could actually have one, however.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now:
A: My niece and nephew.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Church (unless you count the kitchen a minute ago).

Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?:
A: All about my dad.

Q: Do you have any siblings?:
A: Yes.

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: Yes.

Q: Do you think that a person is thinking of you?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No.

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: To a point, yes.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Red.

Q: What were you doing at 12 last night?:
A: Just climbing into bed after my bath.

Q: When was the last time you saw your dad?
A: October, 1994.

Q: Do you have more guy friends or girl friends?
A: Girl.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Yesterday.

Q: Do you get angry easily?
A: I get annoyed and upset easily, but it takes more than a lot to really piss me off. When I do go off, though, look out!

Q: What was your last thought before you went to sleep last night?
A: No clue. I've been exhausting myself before I even try to go to bed this week, intentionally.

Q: Take any vitamins?
A: A multivitamin most days.

Q: What are you about to do?
A: Fall asleep. I'll probably try Simming again when I finish this.

Q: Do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call?
A: Well, yeah. Lately, especially.

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10.
A: My life: 8. Life around me: 4.

Q: Would you say that most people who first meet you like you?
A: I guess. Don't care as much anymore.

1. When is the last time you held hands with someone? This morning at church.

2. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you do? Pee standing up.

3. Have you ever crawled through a window? Picture me in hysterics. Up until this summer, I could not have answered yes. Now I can!

4.Where is your mom? OK, thanks for the guilt. She's ensconced in her room at the nursing home.

5. Morning or night person? Generally, morning. Lately, night.

6. What was the last movie you watched? No clue.

7. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? No.

8. Any cool scars? I think they're cool; others might not agree.

9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first. Face and how kind it looks, eyes, mouth (lips), hair, height....

10. What do you do when no one is watching? Sing out loud.

11. Ever been in love? Yep.

12. What's something your friends make fun of you for? teases me about being frugal. One teases me because I stumble over my tongue a lot. One teases me because I'm a raving dork.

13. What is your curfew? 4 a.m.

14. Would you ever dye your hair red? I do, sort of.

15. You + alcohol= ...zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZ........

16. What's your worst personality flaw? Dorkiness to an astounding degree.

17. What career would you wish to be in? Slacker

18. Which country would you like to visit? Eventually, I want to get to Australia. I'd like to go to Kenya, too.

19. Do you want a well paying job or a job you enjoy? Presumably, I can't have both? Well, then, the latter.

20. Do you wish to have the same best friends when you're older? Older than what? I'd like to have good, old friends when I'm old.

21. Do you believe in needing a religion? I don't need a religion; I need God.

22. What did you wear today? Nothing all that different from usual.

23. When were you last on the phone? About 2:00 this afternoon.

25. Do you like math? I like math. I even enjoy algebra. Geometry bites.

26. What about history? Well. Hmm. It was my major. :-)

27. Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time? Uh. Not sure. Maybe. I never really count them when I see them.

28. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope. Still can't.

29. Do you have a brother? Yes.

30. Did your grandfather(s) fight any wars? Nope. They were too old for WWI and too young for any others.

31. Who's your favorite person to talk to online? Not fussy; anybody interesting.

32. Have you ever used photobucket? Nope.

33. Do you like hugs? From the right people, yes.

34. Do you do the wrong thing? I've been known to do that, yes.

35. Do you want to be a doctor? No thank you.

36. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth? No.

37. What do you do right before you go to bed? Brush my teeth.

38. Right when you get out of bed? Put on my glasses.

39. Have you ever loved one of your Boyfriends/Girlfriends? Duh.

40. Would you date a guy with hair longer than yours? Sure. Why not? But Beast might be cranky about that....

41. Do you want to be famous? I'd rather be a doctor (see #35).

42. Do you spend a lot of time contemplating life's [sic] I've just rediscovered my weird sense of humor; I'm actually giggling at this question (or whatever you call it). Laughing too hard to answer, sorry.

43. Do you do your own laundry? Beast does it. I have done it for years.

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