from Lisa
The Letter A
Are you agnostic? No.
What is your age? 43
What annoys you? People who are intentionally mean and/or stupid.
The Letter B
Do you like bacon? Yes, but I shouldn't eat it.
What is your birthday? [redacted]
Who is your best friend? Beast
The Letter C
What is your favorite candy? Smarties
Who is your crush? No one right now.
When was the last time you cried? Last night, from about 4 p.m. on.
The Letter D
Do you daydream? Does worrying, planning, and list-making count as daydreaming?
What is your favorite kind of dog? Any mutt larger than a breadbox. I'm not partial to purebreds, but since I can't be around dogs for long at all, I'm not really that picky.
What day of the week is it? Monday, I think. Yes.
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? Over easy, with buttered toast.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? I've been a patient twice, I think. But I've been in the ER about 20 times with other people, mostly Beast and Sparky.
What’s the easiest thing to ever do? Screw up. People excel at making mistakes.
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yeah, a few (dozen) times.
Do you use fly swatters? We own them, but I don't use them very often.
Have you ever used a foghorn? I don't live that close to water, and I have never driven a boat,
The Letter G
Do you chew gum? Yes, but much less often than I used to.
Are you a giver or taker? Both.
The Letter H
How are you? Shocky. Unfocused.
What’s your height? 5'8" is what it says on my license, but I'm shrinking.
What color is your hair? Dark brown, with a reddish tinge and some ash highlights. Or, brown and ever-more gray.
The Letter I
What is your favorite ice-cream? Peppermint. Or bubble-gum. Or butterscotch.
Have you ever ice-skated? Yes, but it wasn't exactly something enjoyable.
Do you play an instrument? Yes: flute. I also had 2-3 years of piano lessons when I was really little.
The Letter J
What is your favorite jelly bean? Lemon, I guess.
Do you wear jewelry? I wear earrings 95% of the time, but always forget to grab anything else.
Have you heard a really hilarious joke? Loads of them, but I'm not in the mood to pass any along today.
The Letter K
Who do you want to kill? No one, really. Doesn't really solve the root problem.
Do you want kids? I'm happy with the one I've got.
Where did you have kindergarten? At the same grade school I had grades 1-6. It was in a separate little building, though.
The Letter L
Are you laid-back? Overall, I'm pretty hard to piss off, but when I go off I'm not much fun.
Do you lie? Of course.
Do you love anyone? Yes.
The Letter M
What is your favorite movie? Heathers
Do you still watch Disney movies? Nope.
Do you like mangos? Eh, not so much.
The Letter N
Do you have a nickname? Yep.
What is your favorite number? 16
Do you prefer night or day? I like light. Darkness only makes me want to sleep.
The Letter O
What is your one wish? I wish life wasn't so painful.
Are you an only child? My parents had 5 kids.
Do you wish this year was over? Well...timing is everything just started, so no.
The Letter P
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about? Doing the wrong thing, screwing something major completely up...that sort of thing.
What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date? Kindness, humor, and strength.
The Letter Q
Are you quick to judge people? Not in that sense. I size people up quickly, and then give them the benefit of the doubt most of the time (until they prove themselves to be morons).
The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? Of course. Hah. I think I tend to err in the opposite direction, actually.
Do you watch reality T.V.? Only a few select shows.
What is a good reason to cry? Pain.
The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain? Sun. Absolutely no contest.
Do you like snow? Yes, if I'm inside and cozy.
Letter T
What time is it? 9:28 a.m.
What time did you wake up? A little after 8
When was the last time you slept in a tent? Last June, in D'Iberville, though it had plywood walls. In a real tent, that would mean backing up about 2 years. And I nearly froze. In August. I hate camping.
The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? I'm still in my jammies, so technically, no.
The Letter V
What is the worst veggie? Brussels sprouts
Where do you want to go on vacation? Anywhere looks good right now. I'd mostly just like a mental vacation.
What was your last family vacation together? I guess this week's trip to the in-laws' counts, right?
The Letter W
What is your worst habit? Not standing up for myself.
Where do you live? In the upper midwestern United States.
The Letter X
Have you ever had an X-ray? Yes.
Have you ever seen the X-Games? Yes, some of them. Not start-to-finish.
Do you own a xylophone? No.
The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? More than I used to.
What year were you born in? 1963
What do you yearn for most? Peace and kindness
The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign? Scorpio
Do you believe in the Zodiac? Nope, but it's a fun game.
What is your favorite zoo animal? Monkeys.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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