Saturday, November 18, 2006

More Questions

From Lisa, of course

1. Christmas tree: pine or cedar?
Artficial because of my allergies. We swag balsam all over the outside of the house so we still get the piney smell (if we go out on the porch).
2. Name two dumb things you did as a kid.
Just two?? OK, I had some weird habit around walking home from school, very OCD stuff about cars passing me, and cracks in the sidewalk.
And I once let in door-to-door religious wackadoos and had to covertly call for a neighbor to come rescue me. They were nice, just wouldn't leave.
3. What foods did your mom used to make that you will never, ever cook.
Liver. And spam. There are other things, but those are the biggies.
4. Describe the place you go to in your head when you need to calm down.
5. Have you ever seen a ghost, or something you can’t explain?
I heard my dad's voice a couple of years after he died. That was weird. I've seen a lot of other unexplainable stuff, though, in the broader sense of totally nuts behavior.
6. If money and image didn’t matter, what would you do for a living?
I'd keep my job at the library.
7. Did you ever fall off a horse and get right back on?
I only rode a horse for the first time about two months ago.
8. What name did you call a sibling that was sure to start a fight?
I didn't have to call names to get my brother in trouble; I just told Mom he was picking on me.
9. Describe the events surrounding you first alcoholic drink.
I think the first taste of wine I had was at Thanksgiving (or Easter) when I was around 10. My oldest sister brought Blue Nun to drink. It was foul.
My first drink was at W@rren's house sophomore year. I don't remember what it was (rum & coke?) but I know I got looped while W@arren and T!m smoked pot. W@rren walked me home, and Mom never knew.
10. Have you ever had a wild animal as a pet?
Bugs don't count, do they? I used to college army worms and feed them leaves (and I think Mom emptied the jars every night after I went to bed).
11. Do you have a deep, dark, secret?
I do.
12. Would you ever shoot a deer?
I wouldn't do it for sport, but I would do it if I had to eat it or go hungry.
13. Do you return money if you get too much change?
If I notice before I leave the store, yes.
14. What puzzles you?
Smart people who continue to support Bush unequivocally.
15. How do/did you act toward a person you have/had a crush on?
I used to get stupidly tongue-tied and avoid the person. Not sure what would happen nowadays; probably act like a moron and be unable to stop talking.
16. What makes you cry?
17. What’s the best bargain you ever bought at a yard sale?
I bought a lot of Sparky's clothes at garage sales, and one year his whole Christmas haul was garage sale purchases. Hey, he was, like, three at the time and we were broke.
18. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?
Woodchucks only star in silly movies with Bill Murray. There is no wood involved.
19. If nobody is watching, would you run a stop sign?
Probably not. Stopping is ingrained at this point.
20. Do you believe in Hell?
Yes, though not in the traditional sense.
21. What material possession do you value most?
My scrapbooks and photos.
22. Which day is better…Friday or Sunday?
Sunday, unless I work (like tomorrow).
23. Do you read a book more than once?
I read some books over and over, but not many.
24. What is the greatest problem with today’s society?
Lack of accountability for one actions.
25. How old were you when you first touched somebody else’s hoohah?
What a totally dorky question! Old enough to know what I was doing.
26. Would you ever skydive?
27. Name 3 songs significant to your romantic life, and tell why.
Amazing Grace, Babe (Styx), Seek Ye First.
28. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Only for reconstructive purposes if I were injured.
29. Does bigfoot/sasquatch/yehti [sic] exist?
Probably not.
30. Are you a follower or a leader?
Totally dependent on the situation. I can be either.
31. What’s the worst thing you did when you were a kid?
Probably messing up my mom's car the first time I was trusted with it. D'oh.
32. List three jobs you would never want to do.
Plumber, personal assistant, someone who cleans up after crime scenes.
33. Coke or Pepsi?
Either, as long as it's diet. I prefer Dr. Pepper, though.
34. Where would you live if you could move your family, friends, and job there?
Oh, definitely Ydra. That takes care of all the worries I'd have about moving there for real.
35. Is three really a crowd?
I like the three in my little family. Depends on the context, and the personalities involved.
36. What kind of interpersonal interaction repulses you?
Condescension will do me in, no matter how much I like the other person.
37. Who would you rather spend an hour with, a writer or an entertainer?
A writer, as long as I can pick the individual. NOT Stephen King, unless we're in a very public place. :-)
38. Which calendar appeals to you:
I try to buy a lighthouse calendar every year since it matches the decor in our bedroom. Otherwise, I just like good photos or funny sayings.
39. What would you do if life gave you lemons?
I'd probably clean something with them....
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
41. Did you ever wish on a falling star, and have the wish come true?
I've wished, but so far nothing.

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