Friday, November 17, 2006

Catching up on Memes, Part the Second

By the Way Sunday

What clothing items do you insist on keeping around even though you know you’ll never wear them?
A Greek fisherman sweater Beast bought me in 1984. It was too small then and it's WAY too small now. But I can't throw it away. It's the warmest garment I own.
Is there anything in your closet that is just too tacky to wear in public?
Oh, yeah. I don't even wear it around the house much, except when I paint.
Do you wear it anyway?
How public? No, not really. Only around the house when I'm mucky anyway.
Are there any past styles that you wish would never make a return?
Very pointy-toed shoes with 4-inch heels, and tailored, structured sweater sets. Gag.
Currently, what two items do you need to make your wardrobe complete?
I need to clean out my closet first. Then I can go buy a couple more pair of work slacks that fit, having lost a little weight over the summer.


Friday 5 -- Wind

1. Do you have a hurricane or tornado story?
The closest I've ever been to being in a tornado was a microburst 2-1/2 years ago. It was freaky. We spent an hour in the basement of our brand-new house waiting for the wind to settle. Our neighbors' cast-iron furniture flew around their house and ended up in the yard across the street. Nothing of ours did anything weird and no one was hurt, thank God.
2. When was the last time you flew a kite?
Never have. Tried once about 15 years ago, gave up, never tried again.
3. Not counting in the midst of a storm, where’s the windiest place you’ve been?
The Great Wall in China. Freakin' COLD, gusty wind straight across Mongolia from Siberia.
4. Where did you last see a real windmill?
A full-size one, like in Holland? Uh, no clue. But there is a wind-farm about 40 miles from here. I was in the area about 3 months ago...? Something like that. There are lots of stupid kitschy mini-windmills in the area, too.
5. From which direction is the wind coming right now?
I don't think the wind is blowing today...maybe a little, out of the west...? At least, according to my weather button.


Friday Five--The Internet

1. How much time do you spend on the Internet daily?
Normally, up to 5 or 6 hours, more if I'm at work. Lately, not nearly as much.
2. What are your favorite 3 websites?
Blogger, Bloglines, Google
3. Do you eat at your computer?
Uhm, yeah. Just finished another healthy snack...[hah]
4. Pick one and why - Reading the news online or in a newspaper?
Online. Always accessible, don't have to pay (for all of it at least), and no ink on my fingers.
5. How many people are on your instant messenger buddy list?
I don't IM much. I think there are only about 3 people that I've actually used it with in the past couple of years.


Friday Fiver--Wait while I twist your fate

1. What is your nearest lake or river?
There is a lake in the village in which I live, which explains the name. It's about a mile from my house. It's a man-made lake. It's hideously dirty and I wouldn't go near it.
2. Do you believe in heaven?
3. What's your lucky number?
No clue. Not sure I have one.
4. Ever know anyone who appeared on a game show?
One of Beast's college profs was on Jeopardy about 18 years ago. Otherwise, no.
5. Charades: good times or lame?
I like any game, really. So, good times.


Friday's Feast--Feast One Hundred & Eighteen

Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?
I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it, but I don't disbelieve it.
What is one thing you said you'd never do, but you eventually did?
I try very hard not to say I'll "never" (or "always") do stuff. The last time I know I did that, I said I'd never date a football player. I ended up marrying on five years later.
Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?
Sooooo many. Let's pick Mrs. Gr^benh0ff, high school Spanish.
Main Course
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?
Someone retired. Someone who has NOTHING scheduled today.
What is your favorite dish to prepare?
I make a good Macaroni and Cheese, which I'm probably making tonight or tomorrow.


Manic Monday--What?

What is a quality that you love about being human?
Humor. Without humor, we'd be useless and 100% awful.
What is something you'd do if you weren't so afraid to do it?
Learn to ride a motorcycle. It's not fear, just inertia. OK, so fear: I'd probably tell off some people in our library system.
What is a phone call that you've received that changed your life?
I remember when my sister called about my mom's (first) stroke. Didn't realize at the time how much of an impact it would have on the next 15 years...and counting.


Monday's a Bitch--Simple Pleasures

When was the last time you _______________?

1. Took a bubble bath? Last night.

2. Watched a sunrise or a sunset? I didn't see the whole thing, but Monday's sunrise was really lovely.

3. Stopped to smell a flower? It's NOVEMBER!! There ARE no flowers! :-) It's been a couple of months.

4. Gave a friend a present for no reason at all? Once a gift has been given, I generally forget it almost immediately. Very bad.

5. Treated yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant? Tuesday? Sparky and I ate at Panera. I love their soup in a bread bowl.

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