Sunday, July 23, 2006

Saturday 8

I sure wish these guys would get RSSified; I only come across this when I'm browsing other people's blogs...hint hint.

for love of country

1. what citizenship do you hold?
United States of America. A double-edged sword in a huge way.
2. if you could get dual citizenship with any country in the world, what would it be? why?
Greece. Or the U.K.
3. do you agree with the current political status of your country? why or why not?
Oh my God, absolutely NOT! I find the Bush administration abhorrent in the extreme; now that Colin Powell is out, there is not one person in the executive branch I would trust for 20 seconds. On anything. At all. They ALL suck, literally: money out of our pockets, credibility out of our foreign policy, and good-will out of our former friends.

It's almost enough to wish for Nixon back. He was a crook, but at least he knew what he was doing in foreign policy (or at least someone in the administration did!).

Yes, I'm old enough to remember Nixon. OK? :-)
4. what is the best thing about your country today?
Individuals. Given half a chance, most people do the right thing most of the time. That's why when people DON'T do the right thing, it makes the "news."
5. what is the worst thing about your country today?
See #3.

I'd add that I very selfishly want this war over and done with in the next 4 years. At that point my son will be registering with the Selective Service and, Murphy's Law, they'll reinstitute the draft the next day.
6. do you feel 'connected' to your country, as in having national pride or a sense of belonging to it?
Yes, I do. The country--any country--is NOT the same as the people running it. Not by any means, anywhere.

Thank God, in our current case.

I also think we have some pretty-damn-amazing scenery across the nation, and a certain level of pride in getting things done.
7. if you could change one thing about your country, what would it be?
I'd like to wipe out the sense of entitlement we've developed over the past several decade. nothing, but NOTHING, is owed to any of us. If you want something, it's really up to you to go get it, not wait for a delivery service.
8. do you like visiting other countries? which one(s)?
I love traveling. I've been to about 15 countries. The only one I'm not in the least interested in revisiting is Germany. All of the others I'd go back to in a heartbeat (although I think I'll wait till Russia gets its house in order and settles down). Yes, even Mongolia.

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