Appetizer Name something you'll miss about 2005.
Not. One. Damn. Thing.
OK, the summer was nice and dry (i.e. not humid).
Salad What is one thought that went through your mind today?
Is Sparky ever going to finish shoveling snow??
Soup On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how compassionate would you say you are?
Probably an 8. I'm really a pushover. Maybe even a 9.
Main Course If you could invent something, what would it be?
A way to make time more malleable. When I need more, I could stretch the available time. When it's crawling along, I could speed it up.
Dessert Do you prefer salty snacks or sweet treats?
Depends. Generally, I'm a sweet-aholic. Just call me pre-diabetic.
Sunday night
5 years ago
0 sweet-talkers :
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