Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Closing the day

from Cheddar-X

1. What word or words do you just love? I like to say "love" "mama" "precocious" "smooth" and "hug."
2. What word or words make you want to tear your hair and run up and down the street with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalalala"? "like" when used, like, all the, like, time, y'know?
3. What words do people commonly misuse that make you mad/crazy?
See here.
4. What's the prettiest word you know? "sleep"
5. What word sounds like what it means? "jazz"--it's those z's
6. What word or words just make no sense? (I.e., a word like "whatsoever" is a pretty bizarre word when you look at it). "vacuum"--I can never write it (cursive) correctly
7. What words soothe you? My first, snarky, answer was "Crosswords soothe me." But the non-snarky answers include "smile" "lullaby" "quiet" and "read."

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