"Type in the letters of the alphabet, one by one, to the URL line of Explorer. Then list the first item that comes up for each one."A = accuweather.com
B = bagnoli.blogspot.com
C = catalogueblog.blogspot.com
D = diarist.net/spark
E = www.eatgreektonight.com/recipes/desserts/baklava.html
F = www.fda.gov/cder/about/faq/default.htm
G = gerb.blogspot.com
H = haloscan.com
I = images.amazon.com/images/P/0805075658.01._PIdp-schmooS,TopRight,7,-26_PE32_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg
J = jenica26.squarespace.com
L = www.ladycrumpet.com
M = www.marfan.org
N = naturalcures.com/
O = www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/2xx/240.shtm
P = www.papress.com/thinkingwithtype/grid/horizontal_anchor.htm
Q = {...nevermind...}
R = reflrts.blogspot.com
S = samsclub.com
T = target.com
U, V = NONE!
W = weather.com
X,Y, Z = NONE!
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