Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Last one, then to work

Tuesday Twosome

1. Two celebs that you feel are the most overexposed: Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. Hands-down, easy, no contest. Make them go away.

2. Two news items you wish the press would stop talking about: Anything related to George Bush (fat chance), and anything to do with radical wingnut Christian fundamentalists (fatter chance). OK, if we have to live in reality, anything related to either Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch.

3. Two songs that you are tired of hearing on the radio: I don't listen to the radio, and this is precisely why: there were always at least 20 songs I was sick of/hated. So I've moved on. On a flyer the other day, I turned on a pop station and was assaulted by Mariah Carey's massacre of Michael Jackson. sigh

4. Two TV shows that should NOT be renewed for another reason: Don't really watch TV, but the two that immediately jumped into my head (neither of which I've watched at all) are "The Swan" and "The Apprentice."

5. Two movies (that are currently showing) that you would recommend: I enjoyed "The Incredibles" (is it still showing?) and the Lemony Snicket movie. However, if you haven't read the books the latter is based on, well, it's probably not going to work very well for you.

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