Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Anti resolutions

This is just so much more my style:

Ten "bad for me" things I will continue doing this year
  1. Blog (not really 'bad' just not particularly inspirational or 'good' either)
  2. Drink gallons of Diet Dr. Pepper every week
  3. Eat. Maybe less, but I'm not giving up food!
  4. Complain about my family; specifically my origin, not the ones I live with
  5. Read mysteries (again, not really 'bad' but not necessarily the 'best use of my time')
  6. Not get enough sleep (I see no way around this)
  7. Worry (ditto #6 above)
  8. Be impatient (again, ditto #6)
  9. Volunteer for too many things
  10. 'Allow' The Beast to do the laundry

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