Daily Dirt
1. Do you believe in life after death?
Yes, in the sense that our souls live on. Still working through the whole resurrection thingy, but generally I'm on board: yes it happens, but I don't quite see how...
2. What do you think comes after death?
Heaven. Can't explain it, don't even want to try. I think what happens after death is dependent on how you spent your time here. Not just how "good" you were, but a scale of helpfulness/usefulness/self-knowledge/fulfillment and other stuff.
3. Have you seen ghosts or anything abnormal?
Nope. I've certainly had plenty of opportunity. But...nope.
4. Would you like to see ghosts or get a message from them?
Nope. Thanks, I have enough difficulty dealing with the still-living.
5. Do you know anyone who has died and then came back to life again?
In the sense that the heartbeat stopped and restarted, yeah. But in a surgical, controlled way. No one for whom CPR was useful.
In the sense of Lazarus, buried for three days and stinking? Not personally, no. Thank the good Lord whose laws of nature generally remain unbroken.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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