Friday, December 3, 2004

Friday's Feast

Appetizer Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.
I played with my brother's toy (i.e. Matchbox) cars endlessly in the summers. Strangely, I don't remember playing with them inside much at all. We had flagstones along the driveway in front of our house, and I would park all the cars on the 'first' stone, emptying the box rather ritualistically. Then I'd drive them one by one to the next stone, then to the next, but I've forgotten The Rules. I rarely made it past the third or fourth stone; the practical reason was because there was actually grass growing in strong and it was much easier to drive the cars in dirt. But The Rules took that into account...I just don't remember exactly how. These games went on for hours. At least that's my memory of them. Kids' time being what it is, they probably only lasted 20 minutes or so.

I still have those cars, intermingled with The Beast's and Sparky's. They have multiplied until now I think we must have close to 100 little cars. We may even have my oldest nephew's cars as well...
Soup If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?
As I sit here eating a Pop-Tart: I'd like to radically restructure food distribution so everyone had enough to eat. We produce enough food, but it just isn't evenly organized around the world.
Salad Approximately how many times per day do you think about your significant other?

I love this question! After 18 years of marriage, knowing each other for [damn!] 22 years...I think about The Beast probably hourly at least. Sometimes it's just a passing thought: "Beast would like this joke." Other times I have a question about insurance or something boring like that. There are occasions when I just want to hear his voice to reassure me that things are ok, with him, with us, with life.

And that's leaving out all the worrying I do!
Main Course Name something you believe in 100%.

God. If you want me to name something 'sensible,' something touchable or seeable, then The Beast.
Dessert List 3 things you did this year that you would consider a "good deed."
1) Kept my lip zipped when I so wanted to verbally smack someone. (innumerable times)
2) Was more patient with Sparky. (not enough times)
3a) All those Reference they count? There is usually one, maybe two, a week that I really go a lot further than I probably need to because the patron is so desperately needy.
3b) If they don't count, my last answer is 'smile.' (even when I have no reason to do so)

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