Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Wednesday is Hump Day

[There’s a whole bit about soap operas…I’m not doing it. Can’t stand ‘em. Sorry BDI... ]
Put your thinkin' caps on -- it's time to do the Mind Hump. This week a little "getting to know you" fun with a crazy twist.

01. If you could have a compartment (like a glove compartment) installed on your person, where would you have it installed and what would you keep in it (other than things you would keep in your wallet or purse)?
Umm, I think I have one currently being underused: my skull is supposed to contain a brain, but frequently I seem to forget to “pack” it when I get up in the morning. It stays in bed and I go off doing things without it.

Otherwise, I’d kind of like to have a little pocket somewhere (upper arm? back of my neck?) for my sunglasses.
02. A local university has asked you to teach a class about the one thing you know the most about. What would you be teaching and what would the name of the course be?

Funny, I was just kind of thinking about this last night. I’m most likely to be asked to teach something about cataloging or scrapbooking/conservation, which would be ok. But I’d also like to teach something on early church history, or possibly linguistics (not grammar, but the history of language and so forth).

03. Commercials ... they can make us laugh or can annoy the heck out of us. Tell us about your favorite commerical and/or a commercial you simple loathe.

Don’t get me started on the loathing part, there are too many to list, but during the Olympics I was ready to torch all the Cadillac dealerships in the area (one). Ones I like are hard to come by, and I usually can’t remember what they’re advertising (so much for the theory behind good ads, eh?). I like funny ones. I like the current Coke commercial because it reminds me of my nephew (long story) and I like the Lamasil nail fungus commercials because they are delightfully ucky.
04. If we were to tiptoe into your room while you were sleeping, what position are we likely to find you in, on what side of the bed and are you a snorer, drooler, a sleep talker or sleep walker?

I sleep to the left of The Beast, on my side in semi-fetal position. I rarely move overnight, usually waking up in the same general position I went to sleep. It freaks The Beast out, although he should be used to it after this long! He says I snore sometimes, but he DEFINITELY ALWAYS snores, which is why I wear earplugs every single night. Don’t drool too much, that I’m aware of, have been known to sleepwalk, but not since I was little. Talking in my sleep: yes. Scared the crap outta The Beast yelling “Fire!” one night when we were first married. Heh heh Don’t think I say anything too weird or incriminating, though.
05. "Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails - that's what little boys are made of. Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what little girls are made of." Besides those things mentioned above, what are some of things you personally might be made of?

I think we can eliminate 'everything nice.' Some pepper. Uhm, lots of sugar (future diabetic here), some adrenaline, lots of saltwater. Music. Words. LOTS AND LOTS of words. ;-)

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