Saturday, October 9, 2004

Saturday Six

New meme. I didn't leave a comment, because I didn't want to "sign up." Which tells you how lazy today has made me.

1. What is your favorite cartoon show?
A toss-up between Hey Arnold! and The Wild Thornberrys (but I don't really watch that often anymore). I love Roadrunner cartoons.

2. I found this on Wil's journal: Take the quiz...What natural disaster are you?

Tornado. See my house for details.

3. What was the design of the last postage stamp you used?

Either the flag one or one of these.

4. What was the last pill you took?

Vitamin? I take 2 calciums, a vitamin and my Allegra with breakfast every morning. Although I take them separately (i.e., not in one gulp), I don't use the same order. So I think this morning I ended with the giant green pill.

5. It's your ultimate breakfast: what's on the plate?

Uhm, assuming a bottomless stomach? Ham, bacon & (lots of) cheese omelet. Some cold pizza (anything but veg or fish), bagels and cream cheese, several poptarts....I love breakfast, actually....pancakes/waffles (just syrup and butter), biscuits and gravy, home-made hash browns, bacon. No orange juice! MILK.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #26 from SpringsNymph and Neil: not sure how this works, so I'm answering them all
a) When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
b) Are you anywhere close to that dream now?
c) Now that you're in the "real world," is your current job now really what you want to do for a living?
d) If not, what would you ultimately like to do?

My earliest memory is watching the grocery checkers punch in the prices on the cash registers: clack clack clack CHINGGG, clack clack clack CHINGGG! I wanted to do that when I grew up. Those cash registers have gone away, so obviously, in order to realize this dream, I'd have to move either to a third world country or backwards in time. I'm willing to do neither.

BUT, I type all day, visually clacking things on my monitor with my mouse. I don't work in a grocery store--thank the good Lord!--but I work in my second dream place: the library. I love my job (much as I complain about it). There's really nothing I'd rather do, unless I could get paid to travel, read or sleep.

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