Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Wednesday means...Hump Day

Link: BDI

This week, some "getting to know you" fun with a a few crazy twists.

01. Can you remember where you were in life ten years ago? If you could travel back in time and whisper something to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?
Let's see...I had just quit my Job from Hell in the spring and moved about 100 miles south into another state, turning into a stay-at-home mom of a 16-month-old. I think by now we were in full playgroup swing with FEMALE, and we were realizing the cost of living was higher than where we used to live, so my income (really, my LACK of it) was somewhat problematic. I hated the house we lived in...and continued to hate it until we moved out last year. My sister had just found out that she was terminal, and Mom & Dad were moving out of my childhood home.

What would I have told myself? "Go help Lois out, be with her, she's dying, for God's sake. Do something about those kids to keep them in our family, not drifting." "Take Mom to the doctor and get her some treatment for the stroke." "Hug Dad, and take more pictures of him when you go help them move next month!"
02. You inherit a large piece of land and decide to build a theme park a la "Disneyland, Sea World, etc.) What would you name your theme park and what would your mascot be?
Yeah, that's likely to happen...NOT!

OK, in the unlikely event of me losing my mind and doing this, how about Library Land, where everyone is reading and/or writing, asking difficult but interesting questions of the staff, researching, and BEING QUIET! Not sure we'd need a mascot; they seem to be a little sub-par for the crowd we'd be drawing. There would be lots of comfortable places to sit and read, not just for kids! It would never be crowded, and everyone would have to put their materials away in the right place before leaving!
03. Okay, let's have it! What's the craziest, most impulsive thing you've ever done. Remember, we have insane youngsters amongst us so if it's risque, clean it up.. *wink*
Sorry to say I didn't have to clean it up....

Going to the Soviet Union in January 1985 for 4 weeks, along with a week spent in Beijing for added comfort. I was terrified the entire semester before leaving, and the plane trip to Moscow was the scariest flight because I was so nervous.

I had a blast.
04. We all have them ... bad days. If you were having a bad day what or whom would you turn to for comfort?
First answer: God
First person: The Beast, or possible Sparky
First non-person: Books, and/or maybe a blog
05. According to the song White Rabbit, "one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small". If you were offered these pills today, which pill would you take and why?
Can't I have one of each? One to make my hips/thighs/stomach smaller, one to make my attention span larger?

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