Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Yeah, so it's Tuesday....oh well...!

Link: Monday Madness via Jenica
Title:Let's try some 'true or false' questions this week! Feel free to elaborate as you wish!

1. I like my job.
Yes. Although today I'm feeling relatively panicked and freaked out about getting it buttoned up for vacation.

2. I find time to 'smell the flowers' so to speak.
Yes. Lately I have not had much time to do anything but organized and directed flower-smelling. August will mean--I hope!--some free time to really relax and take a break. At home anyway.

3. I have no problem thinking of things to write about in my blog.
First question: which blog? I only have five now. So the answer is probably Yes. [sarcasm is my middle name]

4. 'Organization' is my middle name!
Yes. I have a lot of middle names. I like things tidy, and I find it difficult to function when my life is disorganized. Which is why this spring/summer has been so emotionally wacked. But definition is in order: "organization" is different from "cleaning," which as far as I can tell is really a four-letter word!

5. If 'Plan A' doesn't work, there's always a 'Plan B.'
Yes, with reservations. It takes me awhile to roll with Plan B if I've really invested in Plan A. However, I suspect that from the outside it looks like I'm very flexible. What happens is that I flex and then I SPROOOINGGGGG back later in another direction and flip out.

6. I adjust easily to new surroundings.
Yes. I actually like to do this. I don't always enjoy the process of getting to new surroundings, but I'm OK once I've arrived.

7. I'd rather work 'behind the scenes' than 'in the spotlight.'
Yes. Hands down.

8. I'm happy where I am, at this point in my life.
Yes. What's to complain about? My life is good.

9. I can wake up in the morning without an alarm clock.
Yes. I have a very loud internal alarm which tends to go off about 3 hours ahead of schedule with the Early Alert. Then as the 'real' wake-up time approaches, it gets progressively harder to ignore it. Which isn't to say that I don't use an alarm clock. I don't always set my internal alarm. I suspect it is set for tomorrow morning, though!

10. I can function pretty well on less than 8 hours of sleep.
Yes. Every day. I got about 8.5 hours Saturday night. Otherwise I average between 5 and 6. Which is why I drink Dr. Pepper first thing in the morning!

0 sweet-talkers :

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