Link: BlogDriveInsanity
Title: "I say ___, you think ___."
In response to the following list of words enter the first words, phrase, idea or thought that comes into your ever humpin' mind. Ready? Put on your humping caps.
01. bright : light ("Elllioootttt")
02. twister : Tropicana
03. marshmallow : bunnies (which I hate)
04. bud : beer (also something I hate)
05. master : plan (which I don't have right now)
06. blink : 182 (why? I know one song by them!)
07. sauve : misspelled (If it's suave, I'll say "Rico" because I'm pathetic)
08. bikini : atoll
09. dash : ellipsis
10. elementary : school, my dear Watson
Sunday night
5 years ago
0 sweet-talkers :
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