From Jenica.
A - Act your age? Heh—as infrequently as possible. Although, for me, this is what 40 acts like. To paraphrase Gloria S.
B - Born on what day of the week? Tuesday. Which means I’m full of grace. And that may not be far from the truth, as long as we aren’t discussing coordination…
C - Chore you hate? All of them? No? OK, mopping/vacuuming.
D - Dad's name? ...well, his middle name was Albert
E - Essential makeup item? A balaclava? I don’t wear makeup; it doesn’t agree with my skin.
F - Favorite actor? Favorite to look at: Brad Pitt/Tom Cruise. Favorite to watch: Tom Hanks/Harvey Keitel (those are who I can think of immediately—there are dozens more)
G - Gold or silver? Silver. Hands down.
H - Hometown? Suburban Denver
I - Instruments you play? Piano (sort of), flute/piccolo
J - Job title? Cataloger/General Reference
K - Kids? Yeah, one. That’s just plenty for me, thanks very much.
L - Living arrangements? Messy? I guess "married"; is that what this means? This weekend is my 18th anniversary! Yikes
M - Mom's name? ...her first name is the same of that one b&w-to-color movie made in 1939.
N - Need... a new back; more time.
O - Overnight hospital stays? Childbirth (3 nights); emergency abdominal surgery in ’97 (4 nights). I think I spent the night at least once either with my dad or with The Beast…? Can’t remember honestly.
P - Phobia? I don’t really have too many unreasonable fears. Don’t like spiders. Don’t like scary movies. Don’t like guns. Heights don’t bother me. I tend to avoid snakes, but only because I grew up in rattlesnake country. Anyway, as my cool-chick pseudo-niece told me Sunday, I’m always bigger than my fear because my fear is inside me. Pretty philosophical for a 7-year-old.
Q - Quote you like? Too many to include them all here. I even have about 4 files of quotations to use on rotation on my email sig. One I base my life on: "Now faith is [the] substantiating of things hoped for, [the] conviction of things not seen." Which leads into...
R - Religious affiliation? Presbyterian, born & bred. Third generation at least.
S - Siblings? Originally: 4 sisters and a brother, all at least 10 years older than me. My oldest niece is only 5 years younger than me, so I count her and her sister (8 years younger) as sisters in my head.
T - Time you wake up? I get up around 5:30 or 6 at the latest. I wake up of my own volition at about 7 or so if there’s no alarm clock.
U - Unique talent? I’m pretty musical, but that’s not all that unique. Uhm, I know all the lyrics to the songs from "My Fair Lady," "Fiddler on the Roof," "South Pacific” and "The Sound of Music." To name just a few…
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Olives. If those don’t count, I don’t love tomatoes or cukes.
W - Worst habit? Talking before thinking.
X - X-rays you've had? Teeth. They may have x-rayed me when I had surgery, but I was pretty out of it before they gave me pain meds/anesthesia and opened me up.
Y - Yummy food you make? I bake great bread. Actually I bake great. Period.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio. Which explains a lot, if you believe in it! :-)
Sunday night
5 years ago
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