(Found here; part one is here)
Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point? Most of the time.
Do you enjoy playing board games? Yes. I especially enjoy winning them, so I'm not really the best person with whom to play.
What was the last song you sang along to? Hmm. I was singing "The Wonderful Thing About Tigger" at work yesterday--before we opened--but the music was all in my head....
Do you ever eavesdrop on people's conversations? I do. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not so much.
At what time do you normally go to bed? I shoot for about 10, but then I usually read or do puzzles for awhile.
What is your favorite term of endearment? Depends on the person being endearing. My birthday message from Sparky this year was to "Momma" but no one else should probably think about using that one.
What brand of lotion do you use? Whatever is around; I buy Curel or Eucerin for "everyday," but I use whatever is around as necessary, although I try to stay away from anything with lanolin.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how tired are you right now? 6 or 7.
Whose wedding did you last attend? Jay and Jessie's.
Are you a rebel? Not usually. But I'm occasionally very stubborn.
Do you tap your foot when you listen to music? More likely to find me jiggling my legs and/or feet.
Homemade or store bought cards? Store-bought.
When did you last eat popcorn? I can't remember, but it hasn't been awhile.
Have you ever done community service? Not assigned service, but I've done plenty of service in various communities.
Orange or purple? For what? Orange tangerines are better. Purple grapes are better. On the other hand, my family has a purple thing: Ellen (my sister) hated it, Elizabeth (my niece) loves it. Orange is one of my college's colors, and purple was one of the colors of my middle school's across-town rival. Really, I don't have strong feelings about either color though.
1. Do you feel like there's something missing in your life? There's always something, isn't there?
2. Do you live on your own? Nope.
3. Are you feeling uneasy about anything? Yep.
4. What's the longest amount of time you can remember going without a shower or bath? There've been a couple of hospital stays that didn't involve a lot of personal cleanliness....
5. Does the sight of blood disturb you? Not particularly. To be fair, I've never seen pools of it in real life, but watching myself or someone else bleed doesn't bother me in the slightest.
6. Do you know who you want to spend the rest of your life with? I think so. Ahem....
7. Do you hate drama? Hellz to the yeah!!
8. Would you rather go blind or deaf? Deaf.
9. What would you do if you found out your partner was HIV+? I'd be STUNNED!! And then get him medical attention and go from there.
10. Have you ever been to the Deep South? I've been in Mississippi and Louisiana, yes. And Florida, though I don't think Orlando counts as the South really, does it?
11. What is your favorite blog? I read a LOT of feeds, close to 200. There are some that I've been following for close to 10 years. Some are newer favorites. For the purpose of this site, take a look over in the right column.
12. Where is the person you care about the most? One is about 10 feet away from me, and the other is about 44 miles as the crow flies from me.
13. Do you have any plans for later? Just sleeping
14. Do you try to eat healthy? Mostly unsuccessfully, I fear.
15. Have you/could you give up eating meat? No and nope. OK, wait: after I had surgery I couldn't face meet at all...for about a week.
16. Do you eat at McDonald’s/BK ever? What do you get? I haven't eaten BK in quite a long time. I usually have a bacon, egg and cheese bagel and a large diet Coke at McD's. Or a regular cheeseburger and diet Coke.
17. When is the last time you saw your best friend? I haven't seen Jenny in forever. I haven't seen Amy in several months.
18. Do you think babies are cute or annoying? Yes. When they aren't my responsibility, though, they're mostly cute.
19. Do you cringe at the thought of some of the stupid things you did as a child? No, I hadn't really perfected the stupid until I was closer to 20 and on upward.
20. Are you afraid of being alone forever? Nope. Sounds kinda nice, but that might be a case of grass being greener, etc.
21. Would you rather go without shaving your legs (if you're a girl) for 2 weeks or go without wearing deodorant for 2 weeks? I have gone for over 2 weeks without shaving my legs with absolutely zero negative effects. So, yeah, that.
22. Ever tried buying anything/eaten at a restaurant when you realized you didn't have enough money to pay? Nope. If I don't have cash, I have plastic. And I always keep that "Emergency 20" (dollars) in my wallet.
23. Ever taken a pregnancy test? Yes. Once. Well, twice.
24. Would you like receiving flowers or do you think that's tacky? I ADORE receiving flowers. I used to sneer, but no more.
25. Has anyone ever told you that you should model? Not one single time, ever.
26. Do you like where you are right now? Metaphysically? Or physically? I'm actually headed to bed pretty soon, but the sofa where I am now is perfectly comfy.
27. Are you in support of gay marriage? Yes.
28. Do you have trouble eating anything that looks or smells really gross even if it tastes good? Yes. I'm very much a visual eater, especially when it comes to things I don't recognize.
29. Do you like to text a lot? If so, on average, about how many do you think you send in a day? I text far more than I use my phone as a, y'know, phone.
30. Is there something you plan on accomplishing after doing this survey? I will accomplish washing my face, brushing my teeth, lotioning up, and going to bed.
31. Is your room usually clean or messy? The house is cleaner in general than it's been in awhile. Cleaners coming tomorrow, and company coming later this week.
33. What pisses you off a whole lot? Meanness, and/or disrespect.
34. Is there any smell you like that a lot of people don't or seems weird? I love the smell of ink in new books, and solvents. It's a really good think that huffing wasn't a 'thing' when I was growing up; I'd've been all over that trend!
35. Are you completely comfortable with your sexuality? ...because my options, if not, are....? Yes, I am.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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