Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Thanksgiving Meme

1. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving?
I don't usually even think about breakfast until it's almost lunchtime! Too much to do to get ready!
2. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV?
We watch Macy's. Not for me--I find it stupid--but Beast considers it at least as important as the football games.
3. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day?
Sometimes I get an appetizer tray. Depends on who is coming and how late in the afternoon we're eating.
4. What are the traditional favorites?
I serve turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy stuffing, some kind of veg, canned cranberry sauce, rolls, butter (not margarine) and jam, and pie for dessert. And if people bring other food, it's on the table too.
5. What new recipes will you try this year?
Hah. Never a new recipe. I may make a hefty chunk of the potatoes ahead of time, though.
6. What part of the meal do you never compromise?
All of it.
7. Who gets to carve the turkey?
8. Family style around the table or buffet style and everyone sits wherever there’s room?
Family style. It's quite honestly so rare for us to sit and eat at the table that doing so is part of the fun.
9. How many will be at your table this year?
If we count the baby, either 7, 8 or 9.
10. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for?
11. Cranberry sauce… yay or nay?
The canned variety, yes. I really don't like unprocessed cranberries at all.
12. What time do you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
Mid-afternoon. I try to time it around the football games. This year we're going to be eating on Saturday so that's not an issue.
13. Three best pies for Thanksgiving dessert?
For me: cherry, blueberry, apple.
14. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on?
Usually a couple of hours later.
15. Favorite leftover?
I try to get one serving of mashed potatoes, but Beast usually gloms onto those pretty quick. I like leftover stuffing too, though, and I do not have to share it!

2 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

I'm a potato glommer, too.

Cat. said...

lol 'Twould be fun to watch you and Beast fight it out in front of the fridge over the last serving of leftover mashed potatoes....

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