Saturday, November 28, 2009

Patrick's Place

(Link in blogroll)
Saturday 6

1. How often do you use your cell phone in a typical day?
It probably averages to 3-4 txts and 1-2 calls per day, but some days are WAY higher than that. When we were in Colo. a couple of weeks ago, I think I burned through a couple of dozen txts a day.
2. Do you use your cell phone more for making calls or sending text messages?
More txting less talking. I have a limited signal at work: calls don't come through well, but txts do.
3. What is the highest number of text messages you’ve sent in one month?
This month, I'd say I probably have totaled over 200 easily. I have an unlimited plan, so I really have no idea. I don't even look at the bill. Yes, I'm bad: my 'accountant' takes care of it all. lol
4. What’s the highest cell phone bill you’ve ever received?
The first month I had this phone, I used a lot of 'net time and that is NOT included in my plan so...yeah. I don't do that anymore. No clue what it was, but I seem to remember being told that the bill was double what was expected. oops
5. Take the quiz: What ringtone suits your personality?
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
6. Have you ever used the tune from #5 as a ringtone on a cell phone?
Negative. Not a RHCP fan. {gah} My ringtone for my friends is Pink's Get the Party Started, for church people it is TobyMac's Catchafire (Whoopsi-Daisy), and for family it is the intro to Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto (there is a link on this page to listen to the three parts of the concerto--what I've got is the opening part, but after the extended chords).

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