Monday, February 4, 2008


(from here)


1. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked? Romantically, he moved to a different college and it wasn't really something that was going to work out anyway.

2. Are you usually the heartbreaker or the heartbroken? Romantically, I would say the heartbreaker.

3. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Diet DP.

4. Name a quote from the song you are listening to: I'm listening to the Roomba. No music.

5. How is life going for you right now? Good.

6. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? It's not a secret. He's just not listening. No, this doesn't refer to Beast or Sparky.

7. Who was the last person to comment you? Lisa, I think.

8. Regret(s)? Not doing more to help Don out 10 years ago. And others.

9. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? I think it was "good morning" to Beast when he came inside after snowblowing the driveway.

10. Do you have a best friend? Yes.

11. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Not exactly 'hated' but Beast and I were not on the same page to start with.

12. What do you think of people who have sex before marriage? It's not my job to worry about most of them, so I don't. Actually, I would only worry about those who were still in their teens anyway. After that, guys, you know the facts of life, and you're adults. It's a decision, either way, that you'll have to live with.

13. Do you own a pair of green pants? Army green, yes.

14. Ever had the preferred sex over when no one was home? Well, I am an adult. The furnace guy cleaned our ducts once while I was home. ;-)

OK, as a teen...I don't know. Oh, fuck! Yes, I did; we all crammed into the TV room to watch...something...and drink. And then everyone left and I spent the next morning cleaning up before my parents returned.

15. Do you believe that what comes around goes around? I think I usually say the obverse of that. And yes, I do. You get what you give, although perhaps in at a different exchange rate.

16. What is your favorite fruit? Bing cherries.

17. What is the last song to make you cry? One, by Mary J. Blige.

18. Is your best friend pretty? I think so.

19. Have you ever passed out? Yes, from drinking too much. Not in the low-blood-pressure sense, though.

20. Do you trust people easily? Yes, surprisingly I do.

21. When was the last time you puked? It's been awhile.

22. What's the thing that always gets you through the day? When I'm at work, it's the fact that I get to leave. When I'm having a shitty day at home, it's the possibility--likelihood--that tomorrow will not suck so much.

23. Who do you miss? My younger self.

24. Do you give out second chances too easily? Yes, but not as much as I used to.

25. Where was your last car ride to and from? I drove from church to the grocery store and then home yesterday.

26. Where is one place you want to visit? Egypt.

27. Do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you? Depends on whether, and how well, I know the other people. Generally, I do like hugs.

28. Had plans and broke them? Yes.

29. Do you eat steak? Not very often. I'm not a fan.

30. What are you feeling right now? Tired and a little over-sugared.

31. Are you a lover or hater? Well, I'm not a hater!!

The 'Deep Stuff'

1. Do you think you were raised well? By and large, yes.

2. Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE? Fuck, yeah!

3. How do you handle stress? Some stress I handle very well. Some stress freaks me the fuck out!

4. How would you spend your last day alive? No clue.

5. Do you hide things well or do you have a guilty conscience? Well, both, actually. I'm a decent liar, but I always feel somewhat guilty when I do it.

6. If there was true love on one side of the street and a million bucks on the other which one would you pick? Love.

10. What is the worst thing you've ever done that your parents DON'T know about? At this point, I'm kind of over worrying about this. Thank GOD!

The Love Stuff

1. Do you think you know the meaning of true love? I know what it feels like, but I'm not sure I can define it universally.

2. The last time you kissed someone...was it someone you see yourself with? The last person I kised was my son.

3. What's the most important part of a relationship in your opinion? Honesty and trust.

4. Are you the one who talks about everything? I'm not sure what this means. Am I the one who drags out the tough subjects to discuss? Yes. Do I talk about everything incessantly? No (not anymore).

5. Your most recent ex... r u guys still friends? No.

6. If your parents didn't like the person you were dating, would you lose them? If I were dating, it wouldn't be something I'd share with my mother, and I would be much more worried about the reaction of my husband anyway!

7. Do you see yourself ever being with someone you've been with before? Other than Beast? ...nnno, not really.

This or That Stuff

1. Die in a fire or drown? I'm terrified of drowning. I figure dying in a fire would mean I'd probably shut down due to smoke inhalation. That wouldn't be fun, but maybe it would happen while I was asleep and I'd never know....

2. Be with someone cute and a jerk or ugly and kind? Are we talking long-term or short-term? I could tolerate cute and jerky short-term (unless the jerk part was about sex). Long-term, I'd definitely go with kind.

3. Eat fried worms or chocolate ants? Ants. They're supposed to be sorta lemony.

5. If your boyfriend/girlfriend didn't like your best friend and told you to be with them or your best friend, who would you choose? What a badly-written question. If Beast told me he didn't like my friends and I had to choose, I'd be shocked. He has, literally, NEVER said anything of the sort to me. If he'd said that while dating...I'd've cut him loose. My friends are the best, and he knows it! :-)

6. Would you rather be ditched or ditch someone? "Ditched" as in "dumped in a ditch" or "ditched" as in "cutting school" or what? No clue what this means? If we're talking about being left in the dust, I'd totally rather be the leaver than the stayer.

7. Kids then marriage or marriage then kids? I think marriage then kids is probably a better choice. At least for me.

8. If you had to choose between being blind or deaf which would you pick? I'd totally rather be deaf. My dad and grandma were partially deaf, so I'm not particularly afraid of that. Blind would be bad, though.

9. Would you rather live in a tiny apartment with 5 other people or a huge house that you thought was haunted? I don't believe in haunted houses, so I'll in the house. Living with 5 other people in a confined space bites.

The RANDOM stuff

1. Do you spend time with the same people always.. or new people? Usually the same people. I meet new people almost every day, but I don't seek them out!

(where are 2 and 3??)

4. Do you see yourself as a "good" person? I'm a wonderful person, practically perfect in every way.

5. Do you think best friends can be replaced? Not replaced. But hopefully someone new will come along to serve as a good proxy.

6. Name 5 people *not family* that you can tell ANYTHING to: (almost anything) Jenny, Linda, Amy, Trudie, Beth K.

7. Are you the type that would rather stay at other people's houses or have them at yours? It's easier if they are here, because of the whole allergy thing....

8. HONESTLY- Have you ever wanted to watch a scary movie with someone JUST to have an excuse to be close to them? That is the ONLY reason I'd watch a scary movie! I hate 'em.

9. Is your family the... "eat dinner at the table" type, or the... "get your food and eat wherever you want type"? I used to be kind of obnoxious about eating at the table, but we rarely do that anymore except at dinner time. As a mom, I suck in this area. Oh, well.

10. Have you ever hooked up with one of your ex's best friends? No.


1. Are you in a relationship with anyone? Several relationships with lots of people, yes.

2. Have you kissed somebody in the last 2 months? Every day.

3. Who was the last friend you were chillin with? Beast. Outside the family...Wiley, I guess.

4. Miss someone? In a vague sort of way.

5. How's your ex doing? Do you care? No clue, and not really.

6. Is there someone you want to fight? Can't be bothered, no.

7. Are you loyal? Up to a point.

8. Song playing? Silence, blessed silence.

9. What are you doing today? Wasting time.

10. What are you excited for? Nothing.

11. What's annoying you right now? I want to take a nap.

12. What does the 12th message in your inbox say? I only have about 5 in my phone, and I'm not going to go get it just to check anyway.

13. What does the 12th message in your outbox say? See previous answer.

15. Would you prefer someone who is romantic or spontaneous? my life, those tend to be the same thing. Of those choices, I'll have spontaneous.

16. Are you tired? I will have little trouble sleeping once I lie down.

17. If somebody liked you right now, what would be a cool way for them to tell you? There would be absolutely no cool way to tell me. It would be a bad thing.

18. What kind of socks do you have on? None. I am, truly, an idiot. (There is a blanket over my feet, though)

19. what color shirt are you wearing? Black and gray plaid.

20. What will you do Saturday? Clean the house, and then hit the church for babysitting with the high school kids.

23. Does your family own any mansions? Define "mansion." The house we live in is bigger than anyone else's house in the family, I'm fairly sure. And all of our living spaces are loads bigger than the places most people in the world call home.

24. Do you have any interesting bruises or scars? Yes. Always. I'm a klutz, and I've had surgery.

25. Where were you at 8:00 a.m. today? Setting up the living room to vacuum.

26. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? I can be ready--bed, shower, dressed, out the door--in about 30 minutes. If we omit the shower, 15.

30. Do you like books? Yea. Kinda. ;-)

31. Do you wish at [what? stars? birthday candles?]? No.

32. Do you wear any jewelry? Always have on three rings. Usually have on earrings of some kind.

33. Do you clean up nice? I haven't heard too many complaints.

34. Do you have any piercings? How many? SO TIRED OF THIS QUESTION!

35. What were you doing at 10:00 last night? Getting ready for bed? Oh, no, I was online.

36. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Some of the ads yesterday. Most of the kids yesterday.

37. What is your favorite kind of gum? Sugar-free and minty.

38. When did you last eat pizza? Yesterday morning.

39. Do you sing in the shower? Never.

40. Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally? Yes.

41. What's your favorite season? Fall.

42. Honestly, do you have a friend that you don't like? There are several people of my acquaintance that I don't like a lot, but one must be civil. They aren't really friends, though at least one of them thinks she is.

43. What's your favorite breed of dogs? Lab or Alsatian.

44. Are you multi-tasking? For a change, no!

46. Called anyone a bitch today? Nope. It's not a word I use every day.

47. Are you someone's best friend? Yes. I think so.

48. Did you ever date the last person you kissed? ugh. The last person I kissed was Sparky.

49. What is your natural hair color? Dark brown with LOTS of gray.

50. Do you know a person named jeff? Several of them, yes.


1. How bad is your road rage? I talk to a lot of drivers, but I don't get overly angry that often, just irritated. Every once in awhile, though, I do get really pissed off.

2. What is the best and the worst movie you saw this summer? No clue.

3. What’s your least favorite thing about your job? The idiots.

4. What’s something that you find annoying - but other people don’t? Most rap music.

5. Name three things you did this summer you’d never done before? Visited several states, stood on a NASCAR track, and had my hair done for a wedding.

6. Do you like nuts in your brownies? Either way is fine.

7. So - are you pumped for The Dark Knight or what? I wasn't before Heath Ledger died. I'm still not.

8. What’s your favorite thing about your top four friends? They keep me sane.

9. What do you put on your pancakes? Butter/margarine and LOTS of syrup.

10. Have you ever contemplated exactly what sleep is? Yes. And then I can't sleep! :-)

11. Are you an "over-analytical" or "go-with-the-flow" kind of person? I probably am way too analytical, but really I'm pretty go-with-the-flow unless something is important to me.

12. Have you ever punched someone out of anger? Not punched, no.

13. What would you say if someone told you to describe Coca-Cola? Sugar, water, and fizz. Oh, and brown.

14. What’s your least favorite thing about your car? The electrical system is pissing me off daily.

15. Are you wearing anything around your wrists? Just the cuffs of my shirt.

16. So are you any good at Guitar Hero? Never played it.

17. Would you like to have a roommate in a college dorm? I intend to never live in a college dorm again. It's a promise, and a gift, to myself. (But I had really wonderful roommates!)

18. What’s your favorite search engine? Google

19. Chris Rock or Chris Tucker? Chris Rock's voice cracks me up.

20. Doesn’t Pepsi taste so much better than Coke? I like Coke better, but I prefer diet Pepsi. Go figure.

21. Do you get along with your siblings? I'm beyond annoyed with my brother right now. I get along great with Marie, and fine with Jean.

22. Do you sit or stand while taking a shower? Stand. There's nowhere to sit.

23. How late did you stay up last night? I was in bed by midnight, but turned the light off around 12:40.

24. What was the first thing you thought this morning? "Why is Beast still here at 6:00?"

25. What did you do last night? Watched the Super Bowl, fed hungry teenagers, met a new person, cleaned up after everyone left, and then sat around catching up on my feeds for a couple of hours before bed.

26. Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? Unless everyone else on the planet dies, yes.

27. Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it? At least twice a day. Usually way more often than that.

28. How’s your heart lately? Fine. Why? What have you heard??

29. What were you doing this morning at 2 a.m.? Sleeping hard.

30. Have you ever started a sentence with No offense, but…? Yes.

32. When was the last time you saw a police car? I know I saw several on Friday.

33. Did you ride in someone else’s car today? I haven't been near any car today!

34. Have you made a mistake in the past week? Sure.

36. Who was the last person to text you? I'm pretty sure it was Beast several weeks ago.

37. Do you miss someone? NO! Dammit!

38. Is there anything you regret about your past? Mamy many things.

39. What was the last movie you saw? Still "Underdog." Though we watched part of the last Matrix movie yesterday here.

40. Are you sleeping somewhere other than home Saturday night? Not as far as I know.


1. What would you like to say to the last person you kissed? "You're the best!"

2. Why is the last reason you cried? When our pastor blurted out yesterday during the sermon that his brother-in-law had died at 5 a.m. He totally didn't mean to bring it up, and it stopped him cold while he collected himself.

3. Where is your cell phone? Out in the kitchen, charging.

4. What was the worst mistake of your life? No clue.

5. Did you like NSYNC or BackStreet Boys? BSB

6. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? Xtina has a much better voice.

7.Who were you with yesterday? Lots of people.

8. Where did you sleep last night? In bed.

9. What time did you go to sleep last night? Approx. 12:45 a.m.

10. What woke you up today? Beast cleaning off the porch underneath me. (Our bedroom juts out over the front porch.)

11. What is one thing you wish people didn't do? Intentionally act stupider than they are. We really don't need more stupidity!

12. Are you excited for the future? Part of it, yeah.

13. Your ex shows up randomly at your house- you...? ...probably don't recognize him.

14. Your boyfriend/girlfriend cheats on you with your best friend- who are you mad at? If Beast cheated on me with any of my friends, I'd kill 'em both.

15. Do you have any weird inside jokes? Moo?

16. Liquor or Beer? Liquor. Or wine.

17. What is a common thing that happens to you on the weekends? I go to church.

18. When was the last time someone yelled at you? Several people yelled at me last night. Always good to have teenagers yelling at you. ;-)

19. I am lazy.

20. Who is your third text from? See previous answers re texting and laziness.

21. Have you ever tried to break someone up? I don't think so. Not for a long time, at least.

22. When is the last time you talked to your best friend? Beast, this morning. Others...awhile.

23. Have you done anything you regret in 2008 so far? Yep.

24. Where is your bestfriend? They are probably all at work.

25. Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to? Huh. Occasionally.

26. Are you still friends? Yes.

27. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Sparky.

28. Anything annoying you right now? Cold feet, which are my own stupid fault!

29. Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now? No.

30. Who has your heart? Seems to still be beating away strongly in my chest.

31. Are you in love? I guess.

32. Have you done anything embarressing lately? When do I not??

33. Do people make fun of your nationality? I make fun of it!

34. Do you eat more than you should? Rather the opposite, I think.

35. Do you smoke? Yuck, no!

36. Have you done anything illegal lately? Yes.

37. Have you ever shoplifted? Yes.

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