Saturday, October 13, 2007

Patrick's Place

(Link at left)
Saturday 6

1. If you’re all alone on a dark and stormy night when a particularly scary movie comes on, will you watch it or change the channel?
I do not watch scary movies.
2. If you could remake any old horror movie, which one would you choose and why?
I don't understand why anyone would remake a movie in the first place, and seeing as how I don't actually watch horror movies....I have no suggestions.
3. If you had the chance to spend the night in a room that you really believed was haunted by a malevolent ghost, would you?
HELLA, no! But I don't actually believe in hauntings per se, much less ghosts per se.
4. Take the quiz: What is your Halloween personality?
My results are here.
5. Who is your favorite horror writer/novelist?
My all-time favorite is E.A. Poe, but Stephen King is well-loved in our house as well, for a variety of reasons.
6. How many years has it been since you last went trick-or-treating?
I took Sparky three years ago. As for trick-or-treating for myself, that's been (O M G !) over thirty years!

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