Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday 8

(Link at left)
do you have any of the following gadgets, and what kind? when did you get them?

1. cellphone? Yep, I love me that flip-phone. I totally feel like Captain Kirk!

2. digital camera? Yes, ma'am. We are on the second one, the first one having had a nervous breakdown last fall.

3. video camera? We do have an old VHS camera, as well as a really old 8mm camera (not even Super8!).

4. video game console? Sparky has two GameBoys, a Nintendo DS, and a GameCube. No, he is NOT getting another platform to replace the GameCube.

5. TiVo/DVR? No. Me want. Me want BAD! :-)

6. mp3 player/iPod? Yes. I have yet to actually use it, however.

7. laptop computer? Every day, baby, every day!

8. any widget or app on your phone or computer to makes your life easier (commute time calculator, on-time flight alert, zocdoc, etc.)? Nothing on my phone but solitaire, but I've got all kinds of shit on the laptop, and on my computer at work: weather bugs, Bloglines widget, Google notebook, the camera software, the MP3 software, Yahoo! jukebox, and lots of McAfee/Symantec stuff. That's at home. At work, what I can remember is Connexion, Gmail widget, Bloglines widget and a shitboatfull of links and so forth.

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