Saturday, October 13, 2007

Stuff 'n Stuff

from Kwizgiver who is linked at left (where does she GET these??)

What's worse: liars or cheaters? Cheaters are, by (my) definition, liars. And vice versa.

Is it easier to forgive or forget? Lately, forgetting has been pretty easy for me, but I find the combination of these two particularly difficult. I don't forgive easily, which is a bit of an impediment in life, and one specific situation is particularly challenging right now.

Can men and women be "Just Friends"? Let me see...Keith, Rob, Chris, Wayne, Steve, John F., John W., Mike, Warren, Jonathan, (my various male family members), Kirk, Tony, Paul, Ken, Greg, Dan, far there's been nothing but friendship. That list includes friends from high school, college, and life in general, as well as three pastors.

How do you feel about dating co-workers? Virtually impossible for me to do, even if I were single! In all seriousness, it's a tricky dance, one that is probably only worth it if this is The Relationship.

All expenses paid vacation to anywhere... where? Around the world, of course, deluxe-ish.

What was your last meal? DbD Lemon Risotto

When you are "In Love" do you notice other people? Yes. {eyeroll} I'm in love, not dead!

Is flirting cheating? If it's bothering your s.o., then it may as well be.

Would you rather have 1 great friend or 5 pals? Uhhh, one great friend? But I'd really rather have several great friends and no pals at all. Pals, uh, yeah....see above re "forgive/forget."

If someone called you a dick, would you be offended? After I picked my dickless self up off the floor following Extreme Hysterical Laughing....? No. I'd definitely think they were pretty strange.
But, call me a bitch (or stronger alternatives), and then call your dentist!

Are you okay with your boyfriend/girlfriend being friends with an ex? It's a total non-issue for me. But, I think I'd be ok, depending on what sort of friendship it was.

Would you live with someone without marrying them? I have lived with a lot of people without being married to them. If you mean "sleep (in the same bed) with" someone, that's an entirely different question which can only be answered with "it depends."

Favorite sport? Oy, I thought that said "spork!" I love football.

Do you like diet soda? Yes.

Do you squeeze toothpaste from the middle or end of the tube? Yes, then I flatten the tube from the end before putting it away.

How do you feel about tanning booths? They may as well not exist as far as my feelings go. They are a scam.

Friends with benefits? That would be Beast and me, I guess. ;-)

Do you believe in angels? Not of the 'cute-and-fluttery' variety. I definitely believe in messengers from God (angels=messengers in Greek), and usually picture angels as slightly more of the type to be afraid of, not grateful for.

Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? Take.

Ever kissed a random person and then walked away? Er....? Sounds vaguely like a request to be arrested!

Have you ever had any type of relationship with a married person? I hate these questions! I have a VERY GOOD relationship with a LARGE NUMBER of married people, including Beast! Would I sleep with any of them besides Beast? No. Eeeuw.

What color looks best on you? Green, blue, orange, black. Red is out. White isn't good either.

If you could play any sport professionally what would it be? NASCAR. (what the hell, I can only dream, eh?)

Ever break up with someone and regret it? Only for purely selfish, short-term reasons.

Are you a jealous person? Not without reason. Less jealous than I am envious, at least.

Would you ever have plastic surgery? Only reconstructive, if any.

Who has the sexiest accents? OMG: Italians! And, oddly, some Russians.

Favorite song? I can never pick just one. I heard Bruce Springsteen's version of "Pay Me My Money Down" today, which I love. And "Rocky Mountain High" always makes me homesick.

Favorite movie? Shoah

What's your occupation? Bitch/Big Meanie. And I catalog for pay.

What is your astrological sign? Le Scorp

Are you a beach, country or city person? Mountains, though I do love cities.

Have you ever seen or called anyone you met on MySpace? I haven't met anyone on MySpace that I didn't already know, so...yes.

Have you ever had a "secret affair"? No. Unequivically..

If you could own a non-traditional pet which would it be? I'd love a monkey, or a wolf-dog cross-breed (but I wouldn't want one bred for me!).

Favorite movie as a child? We didn't go see too many movies when I was a kid. "Paint Your Wagon" made me CRY with laughter in the theater, though.

Where do you spend most of your money? D'er: taxes. Followed by housing.

Have you ever been so heart broken that you called in sick to work? Yes. It's a semi-regular occurrence.

Favorite summer drink? Same as winter: diet Dr. Pepper.

Can you change a car tire? Only if Beast didn't put the flat tire on in the first place. He tends to overtighten the lugnuts.

Favorite candle scent? Linen.

Would you consider yourself adventurous? About certain things, I absolutely am! However, there are areas where I am decidedly NOT adventurous, too.

Last person you went to the grocery store with? Sparky. The last time I went with Beast we got in a fight. Which has happened before. I hatehateHATE shopping with him!

Favorite concert attended? I was thinking about Paul Young today; that was a fun concert.

Would you date an already attached man/woman? Have I not made this clear? A) I'm "already attached" and B) No.

Would you sing Karaoke in front of co-workers? Only if I get to pick the song, and have a drink first.

Can you shoot pool? I'm more likely to be shot while attempting to play pool.

Do you like your siblings' significant others? I love three of them; I don't care for the fourth. My brother's first wife is insane, but she doesn't count, does she?

Can you drive a stick? Every day!

When you marry will you wear white? I didn't the first time.

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