Saturday, September 2, 2017

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
9 to 5 (1980)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song begins with the clacking of a typewriter. Did you ever learn to touch type -- beginning with your fingers on "the home row" -- or do you hunt and peck?
Oh, I'm totally schooled in typing. I learned on an IBM Selectric, but I was typing at home on my dad's work typewriter before I properly knew how. I still touch type, rarely look at the keyboard except for numbers...I have finally gotten better at them after 35 years, but I still have to check.
2) Much of the video for this song revolves around the office coffee room. Are you enjoying a beverage as you answer these 9 questions?
I just finished a can of Diet Coke. Yes, life is hard here: I'm drinking Coke instead of Dr. Pepper.
3) This week's artist, Dolly Parton, loves telling the story of how she once lost a Dolly Parton lookalike contest. What contest or sweepstakes have you entered lately?
Not a one. I don't really like this sort of thing, and I guess there's a time element to it as well.
4) Dolly is one smart blonde. Early in her career she set up a company so she could retain the publishing rights for all her songs. Two alone -- "9 to 5" and "I Will Always Love You" -- made her a multi-millionaire because they have been recorded so many times. Do you have a good head for business?
Well, I'm not an idiot, but I'm no Dolly. She is amazing.
5) Dolly is a crusader for childhood literacy and her organization, Dolly's Imagination Library, has donated more than 10 million books all over the country. What's the last book you read?
I finished The Child Thursday. I'm working on The Painted Queen now, rather slowly since this is the last of the my all-time favorite mystery series. I'm sad.
6) This weekend may offer a golden opportunity for napping and sleeping in. Do you snore?
Apparently, I do. Or, at least, I snort. I have a CPAP.
7) Labor Day was introduced to celebrate the achievements of the American worker. How many different employers have you had?
Well, post-babysitting days, I think at least 10 places have paid me for work. Since one of those was a temp job, there were probably a dozen work locations just for that one job. And of course, this doesn't count all the places I've volunteered over the years. Kind of shocking, really.
8) Will you be attending a Labor Day picnic or barbecue?
Nope. Beast'll probably cook brats one day this weekend, but we're not going anywhere. Our 'going somewhere' time is pretty limited by his various disabilities.
9) Labor Day traditionally marks the beginning of the new school year. When she was a kid, Samantha was crazy for her brand new box of 96 Crayola Crayons. It even had a sharpener in the back! What do you remember about preparing to go back to school? If you're a parent with school-age kids, are they ready?
New clothes! New clothes! New clothes! Man, I missed that when adulthood hit: no pre-selected shopping reasons, no pre-set vacation time, no new supplies every year. Adulthood bites. Sparky buys his own stuff now, for the most part, now that he's (gulp) 24 and no longer in school anyway.

4 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

That's the beauty of being a teacher--regularly intervals for vacations and great back to school gear! And clothes!

CountryDew said...

I'm always surprised when I think about all the places I worked, especially since I was also a temp several times in between jobs.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

New school clothes were a thrill when I was a kid. We got most of ours at Sears. I remember I got 8 new dresses, some sewn, and some from the store.
Enjoy that cook out. Make some of your favorite potato salad, and make it into a little party if you have the energy. Hugs, Cat!

The Gal Herself said...

"Sleep hygiene" is a new phrase I learned from my doctor this week. She says I need to be careful where/when I fall asleep and hopefully that will improve my quality of slumber, and perhaps I won't need a CPAP. Fingers crossed.

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