Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Around the House

Bedroom: what’s your sleep schedule?
I sleep whenever I can. I'm usually in bed by 9 or 10 and reading or puzzling for awhile. Wake-up time varies between 5:30 and 7:30 depending on the day--although yesterday I slept past noon!!--and I try to get a nap on weekends. Not yesterday, though.
Kitchen: favorite comfort food?
Sweets. I'm not fussy, but I'm also on the verge of being told to totally cut them out.
Washroom: showers or baths? bubbles? bath bombs?
My daily schedule involves a shower upon waking up most mornings, but I like to get a bath periodically just because they are relaxing and I can shave my legs easier. And I use either bubbles or bath salts, whatever I grab first.
Closet: sum up your style in a few words.
"Is it comfortable? Does it have pockets?"
Parlor: favorite party or board game?
I really do like the game of Life. And I've loved every single game I've played of Cards Against Humanity, including the one we played at a staff meeting at work. THAT was super-eye-opening.
Living room: what do you like to do with your family?
Talk. We're heavily into talking, mostly over each other, all at the same time, and getting irritated because no one is listening. Otherwise, we do well wherever you put us, to be honest. We're nothing if not adaptable.* Oh, and we like to eat.
Dining room: favorite special occasion food?
I make a good Thanksgiving spread.
Garden: favorite tree? flower?
My favorite tree...hmm, either aspen or blue spruce, I guess. My favorite flower is heirloom roses, the kind that smell.
Attic: what’s one thing you have a sentimental attachment to and you will never throw away?
I would assume the obvious wedding ring answer, but otherwise there are just too many "favorite things" and while I would hate to do it, I know it's quite likely I will have to do so someday.
Library: favorite book genre?
Mysteries. I used to turn up my nose at romances, but I'm about to start on a tear of those having had just about enough bad news on my plate for far too long.
Office: if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
The one I have is pretty damned excellent!
Guest room: have you been to a sleepover? if so, when was your first? do you like them?
I'm female: of course I had slumber parties as a child and teen. My first? I was probably 10 or so, but don't remember details. They were just part of weekends and vacations and so forth, a 'thing' that has continued well into my adulthood. My last one was at Amy's over a year ago; I spent the weekend at her house. Lovely!
Foyer: do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings?
I hate large crowds. Smaller groups or one-on-one is far preferred.
Pantry: favorite meal to make?
Mac n cheese, I guess. I really don't enjoy cooking that much.
Laundry: favorite and least favorite chore?
I don't mind cleaning bathrooms or doing dishes or general cleanup, but I absolutely LOATHE floors! Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming--I hate it all. And guess what's on my schedule today? Yep, all three.
Garage: favorite mode of transportation? favorite car?
I love riding trains. I'm not a train nut, but there's something about going slow enough to see people's backyards and farm fields but fast enough to move along and NOT have to do the driving.... I'm acutely envious that Beast gets to take the commuter train into the Big City on Wednesday without me. Closer to home, I'd love a Jeep Cherokee, but my Ford Edge is fine too.
Panic room: what was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had?
Parenting. You don't know for sure you've done things right until at least 20 years after the fact.
Powder room: do you wear makeup? if so, what one item can’t you live without? what’s your favorite look?
The only "make up" I wear is Chapstick. I can't have stuff around my eyes because of allergies, and my rosacea means putting stuff on my cheeks and nose is just begging for a giant breakout. Also, I'm lazy, and usually don't want to take the time to futz in the morning.
*The first is more true of my extended family of origin, and much less true of Beast and Sparky and me. The latter part is all of us.

4 sweet-talkers :

Stacy said...

Life was always my favorite game, too. My daughter got the Pirates of the Caribbean version back when that franchise was new and I like it. On the other hand, I hate Monopoly, but got the Big Bang Theory version of it last year and LOVE it!

Too many favorite things here, too, but at least I'm not as bad as my mom or her sisters...all of them are about one garage sale from being hoarders.

Bev Sykes said...

I fully understand your book genre answer. And I love your answer of parenting.

Kwizgiver said...

I'm planning a trip to Virginia and am looking in to Amtrack. I'd love to take a train!

CountryDew said...

I always liked the game of Life, too. I can't remember the last time I slept past noon - and I'm sure it would have been when I was sick, at that.

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