- There’s a convenience store nearby and you have a small case of the munchies. What do you grab?
If it's hot out, I'll probably get Cheetos or chips. If it's winter, chocolate.
- You’re about to get on a plane and someone just stole all your reading material, but there’s a newsstand nearby. What magazine (of likely available titles) do you grab?
I always stock up on trashy gossip rags: Us, People, Star, etc., when I go on a trip.
- On a regular work day, where do you grab lunch and what do you get if you don’t bring a lunch from home?
I've become a recent devotee of Wendy's. Good burgers, but also really good salad, BIG drinks, and they serve diet Dr. Pepper!
- Instead of a lunch, you decide you need a quick nap during your workday. Where can you grab 40 winks?
I will go to the park, or the cemetery, near my workplace, park and either kick back in the car, or get out and lie in the grass if it's super-hot. If I can't leave the building, I have tried napping in the workroom, but we have zero comfortable furniture, so I have to be wiped out to achieve a Power Nap.
- How close to your head is your cell phone when you’re asleep in bed?
It's within a foot or so of my head with only the phone volume turned up. I use it for my alarm clock, so it has to be pretty close so I can hear it through the earplugs.
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