Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)
  1. How regularly do you get interrupted at work, and how well do you handle it?
  2. When I'm in public, I'm supposed to be interrupted; it's my job. I get interrupted at my desk in the workroom all too often, which is why for the past 5 or more years I have taken to wearing noise-suppressing headphones so I can ignore all the stuff that is not imperative. The workroom is bloody-frickin' loud some days. I handle it better than I used to, but man when I'm on the phone and people are gabbing so loud I can't hear the phone call, it PISSES ME OFF.
  3. What was the occasion the last time a TV program you were watching was interrupted by breaking news?
  4. Since it's rare that I'm watching network TV live anymore, I can't even remember when this happened the last time. It's more of an issue of shows being delayed or interrupted so we can't watch an episode because it didn't get recorded. That's mostly during football season when games run long.
  5. Whose flow did you most recently interrupt, and what was so important?
  6. I cut in on someone at Bible Study last week, for which I've felt bad since. I shoulda let her speak; it's rare enough that she does while I blather on quite too much.
  7. How easily does your train of thought get interrupted?
  8. These days, my train is less than one car long. Lots of train cars in ditches along my mental siding.
  9. What’s something in your life that could use some interrupting?
  10. My stupid anxiety-brain. Just when I think I'm getting better about dealing with anxiety, I find myself getting all wound up tight like a top and spinning out of control. Again. At least I recognize it now, but it's still hard to talk myself down.

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