Saturday, July 19, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. What was the first song you remember hearing your parents or grandparents sing to you when you were little?
I don't really remember, but I know my sister Ellen sang "Georgie Girl" to me since that was on the radio a lot when I was young. It's a fun song; she was a fun sister. My dad probably sang "Mairzey Doats" or "Bill Grogan's Goat" to me when I was little; I know he sang those to me when I was an older child. The latter was one of my favorite Dad songs. Mom used to get kind of irritated with him, but it never, ever failed to make me laugh. I've got a kind of goofy grin on my face right now, in fact. Mom, gosh, I'm sure she sang to me, but I have zero memory of it.
2. What non-children’s song was the first one you remember hearing on the radio or out and about somewhere?
"Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on / Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?..." Or a hymn at church. Or maybe a Christmas song. But as for popular music, it was definitely Helen Reddy's version of "Dawn." *
3. Which type or genre of music do you most often listen to?
Pop. But I'll listen to almost anything: country, rock, (some) rap, BDM/electronica, (some) jazz, classical, ska, reggae, ragga, R&B....
4. What is it about your favorite genre that you like so much?
"Good beat, easy to dance to....." Intelligent lyrics help too, depending on the song and how deep I want to think.
5. Which type or genre of music do you avoid as often as you can?
I'm not a big opera fan. It just seems like a lot of screaming. And I'm not a giant whatever-Mariah-Carey-does fan, either, for ditto reasons.
6. What is it about that genre of music that you dislike the most?
The screaming and general over-emotionalism of it turns me right off. I don't like screamo (rock) much either.
Patrick mentions "Up, Up, and Away" in his post about these questions: I have a vivid memory of my brother playing that song in his room when I was pretty little, when his bedroom was right next to mine. It's a fun song. I still like it. He also played a lot of Blood, Sweat and Tears, and I can't hear any of their songs nowadays without regressing to about age 6....

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