Saturday, April 19, 2014

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. P is for PAEDOTROPHY: Do you think your parents did a better or worse job of raising you compared to how well their parents raised them?
Wow, this is a great question! I think my parents changed their parenting styles rather drastically between my sister's childhood and mine; there is, after all, a 20-year span of ages there. I suspect my dad tried to hew his parents' line in the beginning of his fatherhood, but that eased over the years till he was really rather a pushover for me. Mom was stricter, and damaged by having an alcoholic father, so I can't even begin to answer this for her. She definitely and fiercely protected us from experiencing anything to do with alcoholism during our childhoods. Overall, I think my parents did pretty well: none of us in jail (not that my aunts & uncles were!!) and we're all still on speaking terms.
2. P is for PANCAKES: How often do you have pancakes for breakfast, and what’s your favorite flavor of syrup?
I don't make pancakes often at all. No one needs the carbs or the sugar in the syrup. I do occasionally have them if I'm eating breakfast out, with bacon and maple syrup preferably.
3. P is for PARADE: What was the last parade you remember attending?
There is a startling lack of parades in my immediate area. It's probably been a decade since I've been to one. It makes me really sad.
4. P is for PEN: What’s the price of the most expensive pen you’ve ever purchased?
I have no idea, since I don't tend to buy expensive pens. If I did, those would be the first ones I'd lose, or break.
5. P is for PILL: On a normal day, how many pills do you take (including medication, vitamins and supplements)?
I take 5 pills, including a vitamin, every morning, and in the summer I take an supplementary allergy pill in the evening. Pretty sure by the time high summer rolls around I'll have added a cholesterol med to the mix.
6. P is for POWER: Do you have any power backups in your home in case the lights go out?
We bought a generator a couple of years ago after an extended outage that lasted for a few days. Beast sleeps with a BiPAP so without electricity he doesn't sleep. We lose power regularly for more than just a minute or two, probably 12-20 times a year on average, because of the wind taking out power lines on their way to our neighborhood. Our lines are actually buried, but the big ones from the power supply are not.

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