- What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a power tool?
I haven't used a power tool for anything in eons; like my dad, I'm pretty much a traditionalist. Then again, I don't do a lot of things requiring the use of power tools. I did break out the screwdriver at work last month to take off the grill behind the drinking fountain in the basement at work; the water wouldn't turn off at closing, so C and I had to figure out the water shut-off. Otherwise, nada.
Unless, of course, you consider a computer a power tool. - What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a postage stamp?
An actual stamp? Hmm. I think it's been a month or so, and I expect it involved a bill.
- What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of a threatening word or gesture?
Oh, I do this all the time, primarily in jest. The last meaningful time? Probably in the car at some point.
- What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of some transparent tape?
I use tape at work almost every day; most of the time I'm sticking the slip of cataloging info on a stack of things that share the same call #.
- What was the occasion that called for your most recent use of Wikipedia?
I looked up Ricky Schroder at work yesterday to find out the title of a movie a patron requested: "the one about World War I."
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Bonus questions:
- What’s your favorite frozen treat on a stick?
I haven't had one in forever, but I like bomb pops. It's almost Ice Cream Truck Season (not that I've EVER flagged one down for myself).
- What’s your favorite lollipop?
Really like Blowpops. However, they are simply not an option anymore because of my teeth.
- When you passed notes during class in high school, who was mostly often the recipient?
Laura. Aka, Kermit. Do not ask. I don't know.
- Who among your high school friends was the first to get his or her own car?
Teri. Or one of the guys, maybe John?
- Who’s the black sheep in your family?
My brother, I guess. At least in my generation. I don't think we really have any black sheep anywhere in the family though. Del's more of a medium-gray sheep.
- Who’s the family historian?
Ugh. Apparently, me. But I don't want to be! It really should be my oldest sister.
- What was the last thing you sprayed from a spray bottle?
Eyeglass cleaner. Yesterday at work.
- What was the last thing you sprayed from an aerosol can?
I...don't think I've used anything aerosol for a long time. Certainly, I don't have much at home that qualifies, except the Pam can which I haven't used for awhile. So, probably something at work, but I don't remember.
- When did you last make reservations for something?
Me, personally? Probably at a restaurant while on vacation? I don't know. As far as hotels or flights, it's been awhile. Beast has good access to cheap rooms through work, so he does most of that.
- What’s your next upcoming appointment?
I have a haircut scheduled next Friday. Lots of meetings and stuff in between, but no appointments.
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