Saturday Six
1. E is for EMAIL: When is the last time your personal email inbox was completely empty?
It's never empty; I have thousands of emails. Now, if you mean when was the last time I was caught up on my email, I can truthfully say, "Sometime within the past 2 weeks."2. E is for EAR: Do you consider your hearing to be better than average, average or worse than average?
It's getting worse as I age. However, there are certain things I can still hear quietly or from a distance that are surprising: my name (or things that sound like my name), Beast's and Sparky's voices, and sirens. My dad was deaf, and this is a concern for me as well as I age.3. E is for EARLY: Are you generally early to appointments, late or right on time?
I used to be OCD-like early. Now I'm usually pretty close to on-time.4. E is for EDUCATION: Which grade of school (or year of college) did you find most difficult and why?
First grade sucked: I was bored and moved from my classroom to study with the 2nd-graders for part of the day. Actually I did that all the way through school, which made the beginning of sixth grade scary as hell since I barely knew the kids my age (and the kids I'd hung with were all in junior high). Freshman year of college wasn't easy at all: I was terribly homesick first semester, and I overserved myself from the liquor supply too often second semester. There was much emesis. Academically, I never had a rough year; a few rough classes, but my grades never suffered.5. E is for EGG: How do you normally eat your eggs?
Over-medium or scrambled soft.6. E is for ESSAY: What was the topic of the longest blog post you’ve written?
I haven't the foggiest idea; I don't keep a word count. It's probably either the list of family members or the list of coworkers, but both have been updated several times in the past ten years, so I don't know if that counts.
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