Saturday, November 16, 2013

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. What about your current career would you most regret not doing if you changed careers tomorrow?
I love cataloging. If I couldn't find something similar in another career, I'd be miserable. I also love reference, so not doing that would suck too.
2. When it comes to your weight and your mental picture of yourself, do you think it’s easier to see yourself heavier than you actually are or lighter than you actually are?
Oh, I'm still a skinny stick in my mind. Mom used to say she could play my ribs like a xylophone when I was a kid.
3. If you had no idea how old you actually were and someone asked your age, would your answer more likely be older or younger than your true age?
I don't lie about my age.
4. What aspect of your personality would most influence your answer to question #3?
The fact that I think it's stupid to lie about one's age.
5. If you had to pick one or the other (no "equal mix of both"), do you tend to be more of a visionary or more practical in how you address problems?
I'm practical. No equal mix here!
6. Do you feel that you are better or worse at solving problems than a person who’d answer question #5 the opposite way you did?
Depends on the problem, innit?

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