Thursday, November 28, 2013


(Found here)

1. Think back over the past ten years. What are you the most grateful for during that time period?
Sparky's growth as a young person. He's not perfect, and there are many decisions he makes that I don't agree with, but I'm grateful that it's becoming easier for me to stay out of them.
2. Now think back over the past year. What are you most grateful for during that time period?
New healthy babies, and change.
3. Now what about the past week? What are you most grateful for?
Sparky's return home for the weekend. People I can lean on in difficulties. The generosity of my extended church family and friends. Music. Oatmeal baths.
4. Fill in the blank beside each letter with something that you consider a blessing of God that begins with that letter.
Time, and the fact that it keeps on going on.
Health. Mine, my familiy's, my friends'. And for those I know who aren't healthy, opportunities to find people to help.
Angels watching over me. I don't believe in "cute" angels, but I definitely believe in protectors.
Neighbors. We have some awesome ones. It's kind of unbelievable how fortunate we are.
Kids. Really, do I need to explain this one??
Sun. We're heading into Darkness, that period of the year when I actually turn into a sun-worshipper.
Idle time. I don't give thanks often enough for it, or always use it well, but I do appreciate it today.
Valuables. And by that I do NOT mean "stuff."
Indoor plumbing.
Guests arriving on Saturday for the holiday.
5. The following verse says that God is good: "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever." (1 Chronicles 16:34) Name a way that God has been good to you lately.
For being there for me.
6. Name two physical or monetary blessings you've received lately.
I got another reprieve on my cholesterol numbers from my doctor this week, on the promise that I'll continue to lose weight. And just having the financial wherewithal to not have to worry about money is a blessing I try not to take for granted.
7. Name two spiritual blessings you've received lately.
Bible Study is an ongoing spiritual blessing, and Al-Anon meetings have saved my sanity.
8. How often do you give praise to God?
_x_often ___sometimes ____seldom ___never (but not often enough)
9. Do you think God is pleased with how you praise Him?
_x_yes ___no (I hope so, but I know I could do better)
10. Name someone that God has placed in your life to be a blessing to you.
Just ONE PERSON?! Everyone I know is a blessing, whether I want to admit that or not.

Now that you have reflected on how God has blessed you, choose a person this week (even during the busy holiday season) and be a blessing to that person.

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