A-Z random questions. Created by shelbylovestyler and taken 15 times on Bzoink | |
A | |
Do you like APPLES?: | Yes, I do. |
What was the last ALCOHOLIC beverage you drank?: | I had a couple of vodka tonics last Sunday night. |
Do you know all the words to the song AMAZING Grace?: | Yes, I know four verses. |
Do you like ART?: | I like representational art. |
Do you watch AMERICAN Dad?: | Nope. |
Do you like in AMERICA?: | I LIVE in the U.S. and generally I'm ok with it. |
B | |
Whens the last time you had BROWNIES?: | Someone brought some into work a week or so ago. |
Do you own a BACKPACK?: | Actually, I don't, not a real one. |
Have you ever met anyone named BOB?: | Of course. Who hasn't? |
What is the closest item that is the color BROWN?: | The couch I'm sitting on is brown. |
Does your house have a BACK porch?: | Yes. |
C | |
What color is the CARPET in your bedroom?: | We don't have carpet in our bedroom. |
Are you on a COMPUTER?: | By definition, yes. |
What kind of CAR do you drive?: | Ford Edge. |
What color are your CURTAINS in the living room?: | No curtains in the living room. |
Do you have a CELLPHONE CASE on your phone?: | Yes. But it's NOT an Otter. It's called Body Glove. |
Whens the last time you've used index CARDS?: | I actually used one today as scratch paper at work. |
D | |
Do you have a pet DOG?: | Nope. Snuffle. |
What is the last thing you had to DRINK?: | I've got some water sitting here.... |
Is it DARK outside?: | Yes. |
What DAY is it?: | Thursday. |
Are you afraid of DEATH?: | Not really. |
Have you ever seen the movie DUE DATE?: | Nope. Don't think I even remember hearing about it! |
E | |
Is the number ELEVEN your lucky number?: | No. Not that I believe in lucky numbers anyway. |
Do you have any friends named ETHAN?: | Nope. |
Do you think math is EASY?: | Math, yes. |
How do you like your EGGS?: | Over easy. |
F | |
Do you like going FISHING?: | Yaaawwwnnnnn....no. |
Who is your best FRIEND?: | There are several: Amy, Jenny.... |
Who was your FIRST grade teacher?: | Miss Campbell. |
Have you ever been to FLORIDA?: | Yes. |
How about FRANCE?: | Ugh, no. |
G | |
Are you a GIRL?: | I've got the XX think going, yes. |
Do you like the color GREEN?: | It's ok, not my favorite. |
What is your favorite color GRAPE?: | White. |
Do you believe in GOD?: | Yes. |
What is your GRANDMOTHER'S name?: | Both my grandmothers' names started with E. One has made a resurgence in recent years, the other one is just plain ugly. |
What about your GRANDFATHER'S name?: | One shared a name with a Muppet, the other had a name very similar to a 20th century dictator. |
H | |
Have your ever ridden on a HORSE?: | Yes. |
Are you HAPPY?: | I'm ok right now. |
Do you believe there is a HELL?: | Not as a place outside of earth. |
How about HEAVEN?: | Yes. |
Is it HOT outside?: | Not. |
Do you like HALLOWEEN?: | It's ok. |
What is your favorite HOLIDAY?: | Thanksgiving. |
Which HAND do you write with?: | I'm a righty. |
How big is the HOUSE you live in?: | Right around 2000 sq. ft., not counting the basement. |
I | |
What's your favorite flavor ICE cream?: | Peppermint. |
Have you ever owned an IGUANA?: | Nope. |
Have you ever met anyone name ISABELLE?: | Yes. I think...? Though not spelled that way. |
J | |
Are you good at telling JOKES?: | Sometimes. |
Whens the last time you've done JUMPING JACKS?: | Wow, eons. |
Do you know anyone named JORDAN?: | I used to. |
K | |
Have you ever seen a KANGAROO?: | Only at the zoo. |
Have you flown a KITE?: | I've tried, but I never got the knack. |
Do you have any KIDS?: | One. |
Would you consider yourself KIND?: | I do my best to be. |
Are you in the KITCHEN?: | Nope. |
Who was your first KISS with?: | Ron M. |
L | |
Are you in LOVE with anyone?: | Not "in love." |
Have you ever been LOST?: | Often, both literally and figuratively. |
Is the LIGHT on in the room you're in?: | Yes. |
Is there a LAMP near you?: | Yes. |
Have you ever used the word LAME?: | Yes. |
Do you like LASAGNA?: | I *adore* lasagna. |
M | |
What is your MOM'S name?: | She shared her name with two American literary characters. |
What MONTH is it?: | October. |
Do you work on MONDAYS?: | Yes. |
Whats your favorite genre of MOVIES?: | Comedies. |
Did MICHAEL MYERS scare you as a child?: | Nope. Never saw those movies. |
N | |
Have you ever broken your NOSE?: | Nope. |
Were you born before the year NINETEEN NINETY NINE?: | WAYYYY before! |
O | |
Do you like green or black OLIVES?: | Neither, please! |
Do you know anyone named OSCAR?: | I don't think I've ever met anyone with that name. |
Do you sleep with your bedroom door OPEN?: | Yup, usually, barring visitors in the house or lack of heat in the house. |
P | |
If you had a super POWER, what would it be?: | Invisibility. |
Do you like the color PINK?: | Not at all. |
What about PURPLE?: | Some shades are fine. |
Do you carve PUMPKINS on Halloween?: | Beast does. |
Don't you hate getting PINCHED?: | It's definitely NOT my favorite thing. |
Do you have any PIERCINGS?: | Just in my earlobes. |
Q | |
Whats the last thing you QUIT?: | Enabling. Well, to be fair, I'm still trying. |
Are you a QUIET person?: | At times. |
Have you ever made a QUILT?: | No. |
R | |
How long does it take you to get READY?: | For what?? |
Can you write with your RIGHT hand?: | Yes. |
Do you think aliens are REAL?: | I don't believe in outer space aliens being on Earth. |
Whats the closest thing to you that is RED?: | The roses Beast left in a bowl next to the couch tonight. |
Do you like RAP music?: | Some is ok. |
How about ROCK music?: | Ditto, but I generally like it more than rap. |
S | |
Have you ever watched SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS?: | Yes, though not for a decade or so. |
What SEASON is it?: | Autumn. |
Do you know any girls named SHELBY?: | I do!! |
Do you SMOKE?: | Nope. |
What's your favorite flavor SMOOTHIE?: | I loathe smoothies. |
Have you ever held or touched a SNAKE?: | Yes. |
Have you ever had SEX?: | I have. |
When is the last time you SWEPT?: | Tuesday? |
T | |
Are you TALL?: | Taller than the average woman, but shorter than the average man. |
Would you say you are TRUSTWORTHY?: | In some things. |
Do you own any TOMS shoes?: | Nope. |
What TIME is it?: | 21:35 |
Do you like TACO BELL?: | They make the best nachos, no contest. |
How many TATTOOS do you have?: | Zero. |
Are you TIRED?: | Not enough to go to bed. |
U | |
What color is your UMBRELLA?: | I have a black one in the car, and a tan one...somewhere. |
Do you have a UNIBROW?: | No. |
What color UNDERWEAR do you have on?: | Dark blue with white stars and moons on it. |
Have you ever been to UTAH?: | Yes. |
V | |
Can you play VIOLIN?: | No. |
Who last came to VISIT you?: | Reg, my brother-in-law, visited a couple of weeks ago. Lisa and Cindy D. were here for a few hours the night Beast went into the hospital. |
Where did you last go on VACATION?: | Last Sunday night, I guess. |
Have you ever drove a VAN?: | "Have I ever drove...? Ugh. And yes. |
W | |
Have you ever seen a real live WHALE?: | Yes. |
What's the closest WHITE object to you?: | Probably the plate my dinner was on. |
Do you like WINTER?: | Not really. |
How's the WEATHER outside?: | Chilly. |
How many WINDOWS are in the current room you are in?: | 5. |
Do you like WEDNESDAYS?: | I like them better when they're spelled right. |
Do you believe WISHING WELLS WORK?: | Not particularly. |
X | |
Have you ever played an XYLOPHONE?: | Yes. |
Do you like the movie XXX?: | Never saw it. |
Do you like the letter X?: | It's a letter. I like it ok. |
Y | |
Name something YELLOW?: | Lemons. |
Are you YOUNG?: | Not anymore. |
Don't you wish the fountain of YOUTH was real?: | Ugh, perish the thought. |
What YEAR is it?: | Really?? 2013. |
Do you YIELD when a sign says to?: | Of course. |
Have you ever visited New YORK?: | Nope. |
Z | |
Do you own any ZEBRA pattern things?: | Yeah. |
Is Z your favorite letter?: | No. Not even close. |
Have you been to the ZOO this year?: | No, but I guess we'll be there in a couple of weeks for a fundraiser. |
Have you ever been on that ZOOSK website from TV commericals?: | Nope. |
Have you ever seen the movie ZOO Keeper?: | Nope. |
Do the pants your wearing have a ZIPPER?: | Nope. |
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