Well, shyeah! Could this be any more obvious?? No, it actually couldn't.
You Are the Brain When you were in high school, you applied yourself and studied hard. Getting good grades was always a snap for you.
You were the student who could help anyone with homework or an essay, and you were always happy to. You were a genuinely nice person.
You weren't the most naturally popular kid, but over time, others came to respect you. You treated [almost] everyone well.
You were probably a bit more sensitive than most kids at your school. You took failures personally.
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
You Are the Criminal
When you were in high school, you were a bit of a loner and a rebel. People were scared of you - even the teachers!
You played by your own rules and you did whatever you felt like. You may have been a slacker, but you could think yourself out of any corner.
You usually could be found getting in (or out of) trouble, and you didn't take any grief from anyone.
But beneath your tough exterior, you were a lovable pal... and one who was always willing to help a friend out of a jam.
Yep, I definitely see you as the goth chick who doesn't comb her hair....
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