Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday 9

(Link in meme-roll)
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Listen to it here.

1) Have you ever carefully set up dominos and then watched them fall? Or built a house out of playing cards?
Yes, I actually, have done those things. More than once. Really, it's not all that uncommon.
2) In this week's song, Big Pink lead vocalist Robbie Furze sings, "The hottest love has the coldest end." Have you ever had a relationship that started out so promisingly and passionately but then quickly flamed out?
Ayup. Trained me not to fall for that again.
3) This [song] is from Big Pink's CD, A Brief History of Love. What about your personal history of love? How many times would say you have truly been in love? is just not the day for this....
4) Nicki Minaj sampled this song for her own, "Girls Fall Like Dominos." Nicki won't be back on American Idol this season. Is your reaction a) delight or b) sadness or c) a yawn.
5) While nationally the news centers on foreign policy and the economy, Sam's hometown is abuzz over the new Asian-fusion restaurant on Main Street and whether it can get a liquor license. What's the big local story where you are?
The city council is talking about reconverting all the old 19th century houses in the center of town back to single-family dwellings in order to make the neighborhood tidier. Like that is even remotely feasible: forcing property-owners to rehab their buildings? They can't even force them to clean up their yards!
6) Mary Jane Kelley is believed to be the fifth and final victim of Jack the Ripper. OK, now it's your turn. Share a random fact that's rattling around in your brain.
Mary Jane Kelly (also spelled "Kelley," and also known as "Marie Jeanette Kelly," "Ginger," "Emma," and "Black Mary") was also the most mutilated of the victims, probably because she was the only one murdered indoors so the killer had time to remove most of her abdominal organs and place them all around her room, and burn up some of his clothes (and maybe some of the organs? I can't remember...). The police figured he'd been there for hours, and still he was never caught.
Can you tell I did a paper on Jack the Ripper in school? Followed some years later by a longer, more detailed paper on prostitution in Victorian London.
7) Crazy Sam cursed last night when she dropped a can of tomato paste on her foot. (Hey! It really hurt!) When was the last time you swore?
I swear like a fuckin' sailor. I (try to) rein it in at church and in the public at work.
8) Sam has a grocery bag filled with hoodies and t-shirts she no longer wants and plans to take them to The Salvation Army store. What do you do with your gently used clothes? Toss them or donate them or hand them down to a friend or relative?
Purple Heart. They come get things once I gather them together.
9) Do you blush easily?
Hellz to the yeah! I have very northern-European complexion. I can't even drink a glass of wine without turning blood-red. Sucks.

2 sweet-talkers :

The Gal Herself said...

My mother worked as a phone solicitor for Purple Heart for years. In addition to helping vets, they provide jobs with flexible hours for lots of women who have to work but can't afford daycare, or who, like my mom, are older and can't stay on their feet all day. I'd love to donate my stuff to them but they won't pick up on my street because it's one way and I share a driveway.

And I'm impressed that you do the dominos/house-of-cards thing. I'm too klutzy.

Kwizgiver said...

I'm fascinated by your information about the Ripper's final victim.

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