Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
Young At Heart Meme

1. Are you a young heart or an old soul?
As the youngest sibling, I feel it's my duty to be young at heart. However, as such, I've also had to handle adult events at a younger age than anyone else in my family (and most of my friends): death of siblings, aging/illness/death of parents, etc. I'll give the lean at the end to retaining my youthful silliness.
2. What makes someone a best friend?
Putting up with me, at this point seemingly a bit of a challenge for folks, is about the only thing I can come up with, and also being there to shore me up. It's amazing (if occasionally disappointing) how friendships morph.
3. What Christmas present do you remember the most?
As a child: The Barbie Dream House. As an adult: the Revereware. I know that last one will be a surprise to everyone who reads this regularly.
4. Tell me a movie/song/TV show/playbook that has changed your life.
I know all the lyrics to many 50s and 60s musicals, and I can truthfully say that they are where I learned how the world works, at least in a very sugar-coated, asexual way. I mean, "Why Can't the English...?" (My Fair Lady) is a perfect satirical metaphor for every uneducated discussion of poverty and third-world problems! "Maria" (The Sound of Music) explains how hard it is to get along with people who don't fit in and "No Way to Stop It" (also TSoM) taught me everything I know about hypocrisy, isolationism, and hedonism. "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught" (South Pacific) is the most damning song about prejudice in popular, public (WASP) currency at the time. "What Do the Simple Folk Do?" (Camelot) is a more-than sufficient explanation of how the grass is never really greener elsewhere. And so on...
Let's not even get me started on books. OK, well, one: The Book of Ruth opened up a whole new world to me, people in miserable life circumstances just getting on with things the best they can.
5. Name one physical feature that you like about yourself and one that you dislike.
I like my hair; I also am really annoyed with it (it's thick and heavy and dark so I'm sweating like a horse today).
6. Can money buy happiness?
It goes a long way toward convincing you that things could be worse, for sure. But ultimately, no.
7. What's more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection?
Neither makes it up completely. I'd give these two components about a 60% between them, but trust and honor is my takeaway with 40%.
8. Is there anyone close to you that you know you can't trust?
Sure. It's a matter of knowing people's foibles--some people are faultless about money matters, others are faultless about honoring your time or your emotions. For instance, we're still trying to get honest answers from Sparky about his classwork and grades....
9. Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid?
On a micro level, the dirt area at the side of our house--I'm pretty sure several of Mom's spoons are still buried there--or the front porch. On a macro level, our house in the mountains.
10. Have you spent a night in the hospital?
I've spent 8 nights in the hospital as a patient and innumerable portions of nights in ERs with Sparky and Beast and other extended family members.
11. Do you enjoy being only with 1-2 friends or with a large group of people?
I like smaller groups better.
12. Have you ever been bullied?
I'm sad (and embarrassed) to say that I've been on both sides of this. I was bullied as a little kid a lot, but I clearly didn't really internalize that when it came to the "weirdo girl" in my high school English classes.
13. If your partner wanted to wait until marriage until having sex, would you stay in that relationship?
My partner IS married to me so, yeah...moving on....
14. Do you believe in God?
Yuppers. For whatever reason, God has my back, so the least I can do is believe.
15. Out of all the social networks in the world why use a blog?
Because not everything I have to say is brief enough for Facebook. Or Twitter.
16. What is your quirkiest habit?
This summer it's been sleeping with an icepack in bed by my feet.
17. What is normal? Are you normal?
I'm normal, most of the time, for me. That doesn't mean your normal would (or should) look anything like mine.
18. Someone close to you is dying! You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years but if you do you cause the death of 10 strangers.
We're all dying! Every day! And I don't do these sorts of thought games. I'm not killing off a loved one, not even metaphorically; there's already been too much death in my life.
19. What is one thing you could never forgive?
I'm pretty forgiving, but if you keep showing me that you are untrustworthy by talking about other people in mean, self-oriented ways, I'm pretty much out the door. If you say nasty stuff to me about HIM, God alone knows what you're saying to him about ME! It's even worse if the shit you're spreading is stuff I know isn't accurate.
20. When you’re alone in your own home, do you talk out loud to yourself?
I talk to myself at the grocery store, in the car, and at work too, when things are getting out of control.
21. Who is your favorite super hero?
Wonder Woman. Did you really need to ask??
22. Could you be in a long distance relationship?
I frequently am. I actually have a LOT of long-distance relationships that work.
23. Do you know what makes you happy?
Yes. Thank God!
24. Who was your first crush?
First obsessive attraction was Jim Phillips in 6th grade. He moved away the next year, and I've never tracked him down.
25. Where is your favorite place to go out and eat?
Six Balls. Or Olive Garden.
26. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Early bird by nature, night owl by training.
27. Give me an unpopular opinion you have.
Unpopular with whom? Among conservative Christians, my support of feminism, gay rights, abortion, and inability to "stay in my place" and not get uppity are probably pretty unpopular. Among librarians, my unwillingness to put up with political and bureaucratic bullshit is probably not popular. In local library politics, I think part of the district should be paying a lot more for access to the library (disclaimer: I live in the underpaying part) or just fucking leave.
28. Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation?
I believe kids should be recognized for showing up every day even when things aren't going well for the team. I'm a big believer in recognizing and honoring all team members as contributors, even those who warm the bench. But I don't think everyone deserves a trophy. Even though that's the only reason Sparky has the one trophy he has! ;-)
29. What song best describes your life right now?
Staying in the musical them above, it's either "I've Grown Accustomed to [His] Face" (My Fair Lady) or "Iowa Stubborn" (The Music Man).
30. How do you express your creativity?
By blogging and by reading and by working at the Reference Desk at work.
31. Describe your neighborhood.
Pastoral. Ten years ago when we moved it, it really was a "house farm"--a large field that had sprouted houses--but now there are some good-sized trees and shrubs, and some prairie areas that are kept up, and it really is nice. Now I miss the little kids that used to be here: we have a passel of teens and a few little guys, but we're all aging. Boo!
32. Give me the story of your life in 6 words.
Mountains, flatland: books are my world.

1 sweet-talkers :

I am Harriet said...

I never got the Barbie Dream house, let alone any thing Barbie cool.

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