Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday 5

(Link in meme-roll)
The Grass is Always Greener
  1. What's something non food-related you have to go to a nearby town to do because the town where you live doesn't have it?
    Well, cheaper prices on virtually anything. Specifically, though, there's no place to get guinea pig supplies in the town where I work, so I have to go to the town on the other side of where I live. My half of the town (actually, village) in which I live has nothing except a mini-mart and a very pricey gas station; the other half has a bigger grocery store, a Subway, a liquor store, a couple of restaurants and a few miscellaneous businesses, but still no place to buy anything 'weird.'
  2. What's something you go to a nearby town to do because your town's version of it isn't as good?
    See above re cheaper prices. And grocery stores that I don't hate shopping at. The town where I work has a local chain and a Super WalMart and a smaller grocery store (the latter is good, but limited). So I go to the other side to shop for groceries usually.
  3. What's something people in nearby towns come to your town to do?
    The only thing people come to my home town for is to make fun of the people who live here. Maybe do some water-skiing. Not that I would go near the water, but some people swear it's fine. People come to the town in which I work because it's "cute" and "quaint" and so forth.
  4. In what way are residents of a nearby town different from residents in your town?
    Most of the residents of most other towns have more than 3 teeth in their heads and don't set of fireworks at the drop of a match. As for different between workplace and other towns...I would have to continue the theme and say that most other towns have more than 3 or 4 families that have intermarried so thoroughly that everyone is related to everyone. (No, I don't live in Appalachia, but it feels like it sometimes.)
  5. Many towns give themselves nicknames, like "______ Capital of America" or "America's ___________est Town" or "Home of __________." What would be a good nickname along these lines to give the town where you live?
    "America's Woodchuckiest Town" seems to fit. Or perhaps "Home of Very Famous Director/Actor" or "Home of a Famous Cartoonist" that no one knows anymore.

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