Massive Alphabet Meme, part one
The Letter A
Are you agnostic? Not so much. I have doubts, but I also have faith.
What is your age? Almost half-a-century.
What annoys you? People refusing to use their brains.
The Letter B
Do you like bacon? Short of religious reasons or vegetarianism, is there any reason NOT to like bacon??
When is your birthday? November.
Who is your best friend? I have several people whom I trust and love deeply.
The Letter C
What is your favorite candy? Smarties (the American version)
Who is your crush? Don't really have one.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday or Thursday, over a song.
The Letter D
Do you daydream? Not often anymore. It's a shame; I really enjoy daydreaming.
What is your favorite kind of dog? Mutt. Or a Lab.
What day of the week is it? I should be saying Sunday, but I'm meming ahead for the first time. Sunday promises to be a busy, long day, so I'm doing this on Saturday night.
The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? I'm not overly fussy: scrambled, omeletted, fried, hard-boiled, poached.... However, of late, those eggs are not liking me much.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Many, many times, starting at a very young age, like, before I was old enough to know what it was. Most recently was one of the many trips to deal with Beast's back. Er, no, actually, it was The Night From Hell June 2012.
What's the easiest thing to ever do? Give up.
The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? Many times. I think my first flight was when I was about 5 or 6 years old.
Do you use fly swatters? When I need to.
Have you ever used a foghorn? Nooo, I don't think I have.
The Letter G
Do you chew gum? I am chewing gum right now.
Ever tried gazpacho? Yes. Tried it. It was...weird. I should probably have some GOOD gazpacho and really do more than try it.
Are you a giver or taker? Depends on the day, but I try to keep it fairly balanced.
The Letter H
How are you? OK, I guess.
What's your height? 172 cm and shrinking.
What color is your hair? Brown and rapidly-graying.
The Letter I
What is your favorite ice-cream? I'm a vanilla girl, but I really like Birthday Cake flavor.
Have you ever ice-skated? Yes, twice, badly.
Do you play an instrument? I might still be able to get musical-ish sounds out of my flute. And I noodle on the piano.
The Letter J
What is your favorite jelly bean? Fruit-flavored Brachs. Can't stand Jelly Bellies.
Do you wear jewelry? I wear a couple of rings and usually have earrings on.
Have you heard a really hilarious joke? Nope, never. I have NEVER.EVER heard a single funny joke. {head-desk} Of course I have. Will I share it here? ... Naah.
The Letter K
Whom do you want to kill? No one. Really. I wouldn't be sad if a few specific people suddenly died, but I won't hasten anyone's travels.
Do you want kids? At this point, I'm looking more at my family member's kids. My niece Katherine will be having her baby tomorrow (maybe Monday morning at the latest). That will make me a great-aunt three times over, with another on the way in December (?I think).
Where did you go to kindergarten? In the same school district I spent all of my childhood, at the same school all my siblings went to.
The Letter L
Are you laid-back? I can be, if I try hard enough.
Do you lie? Yes, if it's worthwhile enough.
Do you love anyone? So tempted to say "of course not!" to this because only a sociopath would be able to answer that way.
The Letter M
What is your favorite movie? "Heathers"
Do you still watch Disney movies? Not unless absolutely forced to do so.
Do you like mangoes? Truthfully, I'm a little afraid to try them. What if I don't like it??
Sunday night
5 years ago
2 sweet-talkers :
Mangos are really hard to eat because of the seed. but I like the flavor.
I'm shrinking, too. I used to be 5'6" now I'm down an inch.
PS--there's an award for you on my blog.
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