Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll)
The Wackadoo Meme, part 1
(as presented by A Very Cranky Cat.)

1.] What age is your youngest aunt?
All of my aunts have been dead for at least two decades, and none of them was under 70 when she died. I am the "oops youngest" of two parents who were the youngest in their families--my mom was also an "oops youngest"--so all their family members were grandparent-aged when I was born.
2.] Do you miss someone right now?
Yes, actually I do. I'm also quite irritated with the situation and just did some low-level Facebook pruning. There's a time and a place for people to spend their lives navel-gazing but I'm done being ignored. I'm sad about it, but my patience is over.
3.] What can you see North West to you?
North of me is the dining room window and jury-rigged A/C unit outside of it. West of me is Beast's recliner and beyond that a wall and the powder room. Northwest (all one word, uncapped) is the dining room and the kitchen beyond it. I'm usually facing northwest whenever I'm in my 'appointed spot' in the living room. Yes, our house is oriented oddly.
4.] Do you like bowling?
Since I've spent literally less than 100 hours in my life doing it, I don't mind it, but it's clearly not a priority.
5.] Can you pronounce Italian words?
Yes. Everyone can pronounce Italian words; it's more a matter of how well one pronounces them, I think. Would an Italian understand me? Perhaps. I do better than most Americans do, I'm sure. ← feeling rather snobby today, aren't I?
6.] Do you prefer black or beige coloured jackets?
Black. My clothes dirty by thinking about stains, so light colors are not my friend.
7.] Do you own a hoodie?
Of course. I even own three!! {{eyeroll}}
8.] Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire?
I don't mind it, but I don't really like to eat them, so it's kind of ridiculous for me to do it. I'd rather have them right out of the bag, thanks.
9.] Do you like cheesy puffs?
I like crunchy Cheetos. A lot. But not the big fluffy ones as much.
10.] What's your name without vowels?
Unpronounceable. The letters alphabetized are CHHLNRRSTTTTWZ. Go nuts working that out, especially since I may or may not have added something extra.
11.] How many layers of clothing are you wearing?
Underwear, T-shirt and short cotton sweats. So, depending on how you count, one or two. Essentially, it's summer so it's "wear the bare minimum" time of year.
12.] When was the last time you got a take away? What did you have?
The last time I got "takeaway" was the last time I was in England, I'm sure. Over here in Leftpondia, we do "carryout" or "drive-thru" and I had that for breakfast this morning.
13.] If you could climb any mountain or range which would you choose?
See, here's why I'm not Edmund Hillary: I don't just climb things because they're there. I go places and do things because I want to GET SOMEWHERE. So, this question, to me, is meaningless. I've hiked the Colorado Rockies enough, and I would do it again, because it gets me away from annoying parts of my life that I can't unload anywhere else. Alone at the top of a mountain, only God can hear you screaming and cursing.
14.] Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room? What?
No. No, I do not. I know, that's probably hard to believe. The only thing I alphabetize in my house is my spices. Oh, and I guess things like Christmas card lists and other card-files.
15.] Have you ever visited fat-pie [dot] [com]?
Nope. And I'm not going to do it now.
16.] Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits?
Uhm...fresh fruits. I don't care after that, though I suppose the sweet ones are more traditionally mentioned. But I like a good sour grapefruit too.
17.] Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his?
Yeah, I don't mind his stuff, though it all does pretty much sound the same, which means I can't actually think of any of the titles of his songs.
18.] How are your dancing skills?
19.] What is your favorite number?
My usual go-to answer here is 16, or 8.
20.] Describe your best friend to me?
He's out mowing the lawn. Just search the blog for the word "Beast" and you'll get a fair outline at this point.
21.] What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
V&T, lime twist. Prefer Stoli, but Grey Goose isn't bad. And for God's sake, go easy on the tonic!
22.] Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally?
Nope and nope. I used to play tennis with my dad occasionally. That was fun.
23.] What is your ringtone?
I have many. Not one per person, but certainly about 5 for different levels of friendship. That reminds me--may need to do some weeding a la #2 there, too.
24.] Do you like chilli flavoured chips/crisps?
Nope, and now we have even more proof that this is a Brit-meme. Not a lot of chilli-anything in this country; we prefer our spelling of "chili" or "chile."
25.] Do you curl or straighten your hair?
26.] What's the nicest smell of shampoo?
"Clean." The hotel shampoo this weekend had patchouli in it, which was REALLY weird considering we were at a Crowne Plaza. And the conditioner was avocado and mint. My hair essentially developed an identity crisis as a result of all that.
27.] What smell turns you on? How about turns you off?
Smells aren't really by go-to turn-on sense, but I like that "clean" smell mentioned above, and wood smoke. The turn-offs include cooking liver, skunk, cigarette smoke, sewers, and mold/mildew.
28.] Who's your favorite comedian?
Depends on the day. Overall, I'll go with the sentimental favorites: Bill Cosby and George Carlin.
29.] RnB or Reggae?
Reggae. I don't really get R&B sometimes. Reggae's all about partying.

4 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

Similar answers make me smile!

I am Harriet said...

Sometimes it can be fun to try the shampoo they leave you in hotels. I always bring my own just in case theirs is really bad.

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

I'm shocked that you don't alphabetize... with your background! Hope all is well with the Beast & Sparky...

Ordinarily Just Me said...

Great minds think alike.

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