Friday, July 19, 2013

Questions: Ask me some ...

From Amy, who found it here

1. Most comforting place, smell, sound and memory.
Place. In micro terms: my bed or maybe the couch. In macro terms: mountains.
Smell. Coffee. Homemade food. Pine trees. Diesel engines.
Memory. Rocking on my mom's lap after a nightmare as a wee one. Sitting in the sun coming in a window.
2. Your ambitions as a child and your ambitions now.
Really, as a child I just wanted to be older than I was (regardless of what age, I always wanted to be 2-5 years older). Now, of course, I'd rather be a decade younger, but I also recognize that wishes are pretty worthless unless there's some sweat behind them.
3. Biggest fear.
People I love being hurt or ill.
4. Qualities you would like in a partner (if you would like one).
Honesty, humor, a hard worker, kindness, fairness, willingness to think, someone who likes people.
5. Traits you couldn't put up with in a partner (if you would like one).
Dishonesty, stupid (not talking IQ here, I'm talking ignorance: misogyny, sexism, racism is right out), bullying, self-absorption.
6. What is the worst thing you have done to another person? (Let them down, lied, faked love, etc.).
You're talking to a person who has been taking care of kids for 40 years--there are so many things I'd do differently. Most of the worst of my sins involve saying things I regret.
7. What are your worst traits and features?
Well, that big mouth keeps just showing up. Not thinking about how my deeds or words are perceived. I don't tend to finish what I start unless forced (or when I'm enjoying it). And my ears stick out a little more than I'd like.
8. What are your best traits and features?
I'm generally the first to apologize. I like to work, and don't mind hard work (though I also am prone to laziness). My brain is quick, and I can emotionally 'read' a room pretty accurately. And I like my nose.
9. How would you explain your idea of 'true love'?
Outside of memeland, I wouldn't. But true love is a construct: you get what you work at.
10. The biggest mistake you've made.
Not saying goodbye properly to either of my sisters.
11. Are you rational or more emotional?
Yes. When I feel my emotions taking control, I can make a concerted effort and turn them off, sometimes for weeks, to function rationally. Of course, this never ends well.
12. Do you think you’re very conscious of the feelings of others or more self oriented?
Oh, I'm constantly aware of other people's emotional states. Sometimes I'm far more aware of others' than my own, in fact. However, I can be pretty selfish at times, too, but that's more of a learned achievement post-adolescence.
13. Greatest achievement personally.
The fact that Sparky is a functional adult, and the kind of person I'd want to hang around--usually, when he's not being a pedant--even if I weren't related to him.
14. If you struggle to sleep at night, what do you do to try and soothe yourself to sleep?
I get out of bed, or turn on the light, as soon as I know I'm awake. Then the reading, or sudoku, or crosswords commence until I'm literally dropping off. Lately, this has been at least once a night, but often 2-3 times a night.
15. What irritates you most about society?
The ease with which we hurt each other, and the lack of graciousness with each other.
16. When you compliment someone, what do you tend to focus on? (Looks, intelligence, personality…)
I've been striving to compliment people more on their 'essences' and less on their externals (clothes, haircuts, looks in general). It's not as easy as it sounds, because often it's something quite personal, whereas "that's a great blouse!" is kind of...not.
17. Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends?
Hella yes! I actually miss her a lot. Having said that, I've learned to guard myself around her because she is very thoughtless which sometimes stretches directly into blatant lying. But aside from the lack of dependability, she's still pretty awesome; we recently reconnected with each other on Facebook, and I've been enjoying our conversations.
18. Something you love to do, but feel guilty about after/during?
Read all day. I don't do this very often, so I feel way less guilty when it does happen.
19. Would you like children in the future. If so why?
That ain't happening. I would love some grandchildren in the next decade or so....AFTER Sparky finds a good woman and marries her.
20. Anything you would like to question me on based on my blog.
I hesitate to say that I'll answer anything, but you can always ask.

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