Saturday, May 4, 2013

Patrick's Place

(Link in meme-roll)
Saturday Six

1. If you had to get up in front of a room of strangers, which of these would you be LEAST comfortable admitting: your true age, your true weight or your true income?
I would not like to tell people what I weigh right now. I don't even want to let people at Weight Watchers see that number. :(
2. Which of those three would you be MOST comfortable admitting to the same crowd?
Age. I don't care a whit.
3. If you knew when your last meal was going to happen, what would you like to have on the menu?
Just back up the dessert truck, ok?
4. Who are you most concerned about disappointing?
Beast and Sparky. Those are the people I probably disappoint the most, but I hate it. Also, the little kids at church. Nothing worse than disappointing children you love.
5. What's the toughest job you've ever had?
Being a mom is hard. My son is 20 and it's still hard. I got a call this week from him, post-calculus final, in the middle of a consortium meeting and had to try to talk him down prior to his physics final. Poor dumb kid. smh
6. What event scared you more than anything else you've experienced?
Various almost-accidents in the car replay in my head periodically. Oddly, the two actual accidents don't replay nearly as often, perhaps because had the almost-accidents been real they would have killed or seriously injured me while the actual ones were just dumb. Some personal events from the past year have run on the mental hamster wheel more than once since they occurred. And some extended family things too: near-death experiences of loved ones, actual deaths of loved ones.... Weirdly, I dissociate from these kinds of events fairly quickly while they're going on, so that I'm not often scared at the time, but later on I get positively shocky.

1 sweet-talkers :

Kwizgiver said...

My students are gearing up for the various AP exams starting tomorrow, I've had a couple panicky emails today. Hard to talk them down and encourage them just via email.

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