(from here)
As always, the title comes from the person from whom I borrowed it......
1. Name: Cat.
2. Gender: F
3. AKA: "Mom", "Ma'am", "Miss", my first name, my shortened full name, my full-length full name, various other names that start with the same letter as my first name, other names similar to my first name but ending in "ee" sounds, and swear words
4. Zodiac Sign: Scorp
5. Birth date: Prior to the Beatles' appearances on Ed Sullivan
6. Height: about 1.71 meters
7. Color: Blue
8. Color to Wear: Blue or black
9. Lucky number: I've a fondness for 3 for a few reasons--and 16, but I don't know why
10. Piece of clothing: T-shirt/jeans
11. Quote: "Remember, everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load." --Les Avery
12. How many people have you slept with: At once? lol
13. Do you have a b/f or g/f: Nope. Just The Husband, a.k.a. Beast
14. Sexuality: I'm assuming this is asking my preference; I'm straight
15. Your sexiest feature: Used to be legs. Dunno if that's true anymore
16. A place you want to have sex: I'll be 50 on my next birthday, so I'm focused less on locale than ... other things
17. Kinky things you like: Who is defining the kinks? Tell me that and I'll consider answering
18. A sexual fantasy: ...is not going to be posted on a public blog, not one of mine!
19. A fragrance that makes you think of sex: uhm, I can't actually smell pheromones. Can anyone?
20. Largest age difference between you and a partner: 3 (or 4?) years
21. The best lover you've been with: This year makes 27 years of monogamy, so I guess I have to say Beast, yo
22. The worst lover: I'm going to just skip on over to....
*Last time you...*
23. Danced: I believe I probably danced out to the kitchen at least once today; it's fairly common. Actual dancing would be several years ago
24. Smiled: Within the last half hour, I'm sure
25. Laughed: Within the last hour, I'm sure
26. Had a phone call: Phone hasn't rung today at all, hurrah!
27. Who was it: ...and I don't know who might've called the house yesterday. One of my coworkers (Crazy Cat Lady) called my extension multiple times yesterday at work, which got annoying
*Which is better...*
28. Sunrise or Sunset? I prefer sunrises, though I rarely get up to see them
29. Sweet or Sour? Both at once are spectacular!
30. Old or New? New
31. Hot or cold? Depends on whether we're talking outdoor temperature, beverages, or what? Hot outdoors, cold beverages
32. Coke or Pepsi? Diet either
33. Soft or Hard? Again depends completely on what the adjective is describing....
34. Yesterday or Tomorrow? Tomorrow
35. Red or Blue? Blue
36. Fast or Slow? ...sigh, depends (grr)
37. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
38. Open or Closed? ...grrrrrr....
39. Bath or Shower? Bath
40. Black or White? ...grrrrrr....
41. Ocean or Forest? Ocean. I sort of worry about ticks, especially this time of year
42. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
43. Day or Night? Day. I like light, though I'm not at all afraid of the dark
44. Cremation or Burial? I'm for organ donation, medical use of my body, or natural burial, or whatever combination Sparky is comfortable with at the time
45. Even or Odd? Even, forever and always
46. City or Countryside? It really depends: I don't mind cities, though I wouldn't want to live in one permanently but I like country too
47. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla. No contest
48. Sun or Rain? Sun, always
49. Pen or Pencil? Pencil
50. Summer or Winter? Spring or Fall
51. Destiny or Choice? Choice
52. Alone or Together? I don't mind being alone
53. Silver or Gold? Silver
*Yes or No*
54. You keep a diary: Not as such
55. You sketch or do things while on the phone: If I'm really bored, I'll doodle, but usually I make notes and stuff
56.You have a secret: Of course
57. You snore: Only when I'm very tired, but Beast says it's a ladylike snore....huh
58. You procrastinate: ..wait, what? I do my best work five minutes before things are due
59. You fold your underwear: Yup
60. You talk in your sleep: It's been known to happen
61. You eat fast: Very much so
62. You get horny: It's been known to happen
63. A naked photo of you exists: Nope
64. When the alarm goes off you immediately get up: Jumping is far outside of my activity to-do list
65. You enjoy being photographed: Not particularly
Sunday night
5 years ago
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