Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yesterday & today.

(from here)

What's your favorite kind of music? I like lots of different genres. Mostly what I don't like is to be bored by music.

Do you like dinosaur chicken nuggets? I think I'm a little old for them, but I'm sure they taste just like the 'nugget-shaped' ones.

Name three of your favorite bands: Melissa Etheridge, U2, Pink

What do you think of this generation? Which one? "This" refers to nothing in the previous questions that I can see. Every generation has its heroes and its asshats.

Do you like sports? If so, what's your favorite? I'm pretty psyched that football's started again.

If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Colorado.

What kind of movies do you prefer? Funny ones.

Do you have any pets? I have two guinea pigs.

What time did you wake up this morning? About 7:15.

Have you ever been on a cruise? Nope.

How old are you? 48.77 years.

Are your parents still together or divorced? Well, they aren't divorced, for sure. Since they're both dead, I'll go with a metaphysical "still together."

Which famous person would you like to hangout with? Honestly, nothing freaks me out more than the thought of being stalked by people with cameras. I have no interest in being buddies with someone famous.

What's your favorite song at the moment? Guess I'll go with the old standby: "The Sweetest Thing."

Do you like cats? Meh. My body does not like cat dander, not at all!

What grade are you in? Uhm. Yeah. ... Next.

Do you have to wear glasses? Only if I want to see anything beyond blur.

What's your favorite TV show? CSI, CSI:NY, NCIS, NCIS:LA.

Do you have a best friend? Yup.

Name a few of your pet peeves: Rude people. Mean people. Stupid people. Inconsiderate people. Humorless people. Sensing a theme?

So how 'bout them Harry Potter books? How about them, indeed?

Who's the person you look up to the most? Hmm, IRL would probably be an amalgamation of several people. In the world, probably Nelson Mandela.

Do you like Disney Land or Disney World better? If I am forced to choose, probably DisneyWorld because of Epcot and Animal Kingdom.

What're you gonna dress up as for Halloween? The mom handing out ginormous handfuls of candy in our house.

Do you like dancing? Yes, but not in public.

Favorite drink? Stoli (with or without tonic), Diet Dr. Pepper, and water.

How do you pronounce Potter? Uhm, seems pretty self-explanatory to me. Now, had you asked how I pronounce something like "Szymczak," that would be more fun.

Do you have any nicknames? "Mom", "Cat.", "Mrs. [Beast's last name, which isn't really MY last name]"....

Vampires or wizards? What, humans aren't horrific enough for you?

Do you like coloring? Yes. I miss doing it.

What's something you never leave the house without? Clothes.

Do you think you're stupid, or smart? Depends on the day. Today's more of a smart day.

Top three favorite colors: Blue, Beige, Green.

Are you on a desktop or laptop? Laptop.

Favorite flavor of ice cream? Birthday Cake!

Pie or cake? Pie.

Favorite animal at the zoo? Wolves. Or penguins.

Do you like balloons? Small, party-style balloons are meh. Hot-air balloons are pretty awesome though.

Do you collect anything? Yup.

What's your natural hair color? Back to natural dark-brown with a light frosting of gray around the edges.

Do you like taking walks? I don't mind if I have company.

Are you listening to music? Nope, it's lovely and quiet in the house tonight: three of us tippy-tapping on our keyboards. Beast is trying to figure out how to use an iMovie file in a PC, Sparky's outlining something (a book he's working on?), and I'm doing this. Even the pigs are quiet (for now).


Right Now
what time is it? 8:32 p.m.

what's the date? August 16, 2012.

what are you wearing? Blue Gloria Vanderbilt pants, white-with-red-border "Get in the game, READ!" T-shirt, the full complement of underwear, three rings, two earrings, glasses and toenail polish.

what are you listening to? Just that tippy-tapping I mentioned before, and Beast walking upstairs.

how many people are in the room with you? Just Sparky and me, now.

where are you? Damn. I was just about to ask if you knew....

what's your current mood? Tired, but glad tomorrow is a non-workday.

what's on your desk? What's NOT!? Even my work desk has lost its generally clear state.

are you hot or cold? Overall, I'm just about perfect. My feet are a bit chilly, but that's ok.

what's it like outside? My weather bug says it's 66 and clear at the mo.

are you horny? Why do you ask? Something in mind?

are you sick? No more (or less) than usual.

are you craving something? Actually, no.

are you missing someone? I've sure been wishing I could talk to my Dad lately....

how much money do you have in the bank? Total? I have no idea, nor would I tell you if I did. It's enough.

how much money do you have on you right now? Not a penny. There's about $60 in my wallet, though.

what are you gonna do when you finish this survey? Go to bed. Maybe take a bath and then go to bed. In fact, I think I'll do that right now. I'm beat.

Music Survey

10 Favorite Bands/Artists
01. U2
02. Melissa Etheridge
03. Billy Joel
04. Pink
05. Nicole Mullen
06. Bruno Mars
07. TobyMac
08. Beatles
09. Vinnie James
10. Joan Osborne

What is your favorite genre of music? I like almost all kinds of music, and I prefer mixing it up.

What is your least favorite genre of music? Takes a bit of work for me to get into rap, and I really do not understand jazz. Also don't like really obnoxious metal stuff.

Who is/are your favourite vocalist(s)? Melissa Etheridge.

Who is/are your favourite guitarist(s)? Jimi, of course. And Eddie.

Who is/are your favourite bassist(s)? Sparky (that would be my son).

Who is/are your favourite drummer(s)? Sheila E.

Do You Download Songs Or Buy CDs? I Buy CDs (or borrow them from the library and burn them).

Mp3/iPod or CD Player? Neither? I play off my computer, or use Pandora.

How many band shirts/hoodies you own? I have zero band hoodies. Probably have 7 or 8 band shirts.

What is your favorite band shirt/hoodie? I really like this one,
but it's in storage and has been for a decade at least.

What music posters do you have up in your room? I don't really have any.

Do you consider screaming another form of music? Uhm, no.

What album are you ashamed to have? I'm not.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No thank you!

Last CD you bought? I can't remember. It's been awhile.

What song do you love at the moment? Haven't heard anything new and fabulous for awhile, but the Eminem/Rihanna song from last year, "Love The Way You Lie." I know, so confusing, but musically it's an interesting song, and the mix of voices is cool.

Most annoying song? I'm not understanding the attraction of Bob Dylan's last couple of decades' worth of music at all.

Current least favorite song? Can't think of anything new that I hate.

What was the last song you listened to? Well, I guess it was bell choir's rendition of "Joshua F'it the Battle of Jericho" an hour or so ago.

Last song to be stuck in your head? "Call Me Maybe" of course! It's been EVERYwhere lately.

Do you listen to a variety of music? Uh, that would be affirmative.

If you could hang out with a musician for a day, who would it be? Lenny Kravitz would be interesting.

Is music important to you? Yeah.

Could you live without music? Nope. Well, I mean I could, but I'd be singing to myself a lot.


I avoid some people on purpose
I've thought about cheating
I hate the way I look most of the time (it's getting better!)
I actually like the way I look most of the time
I've been swimming in an ocean
I've been swimming in a lake
I have a sibling
I have pets
I've been on vacation recently
I love meeting new people
I am insanely shy
I'm on a sports team
My best friend is a boy
I play music
I don't remember the last time I mailed a letter
I talk on the phone (almost) every night
I drink milk almost every day
I like to read
I like to watch tv
I could care less about[most]  video games
I hate my mom and dad
I've had a crush on someone for 5+ years
I've never asked someone out
I can touch my nose with my tongue
I love pizza
I actually love going grocery shopping
I love to travel
I've been to another continent
I wish I had time to watch more movies
I miss being a little kid
I've been to a public pool recently
Summer is my favorite time of the year
Winter is my favorite time of the year
I have a favorite holiday
I have a favorite holiday other than Christmas
I've been to a concert recently
I drive
I have my own car
My room is almost always messy
I'm listening to music right now
Music helps me work
The last person I texted was a boy
I want a new phone really bad
I love cartoons
The last thing I drank was water
I used to play with Barbies
I collect something (or used to)
I've been to a carnival recently
I need to charge my phone
I have a huge crush on someone right now
I'm in my pajamas
I have to go to school tomorrow
I need to clean something
I've thrown up on purpose
I've broken a bone
I've eaten something weird
I'm an extremely picky eater
I've been out to eat recently
I love going to the mall shopping
I hate big groups
I remember the last party I went to
I'm on the phone right now
I'm watching TV right now
I'm eating right now
I'm on the phone, watching TV, and eating right now
I've been told I’m funny
I've been told I’m pretty
I've been told that I have gorgeous eyes
I need new clothes really bad
My hair is up right now
I need to shave my legs
I remember the last time I went to the doctor
I have braces
I actually use my locker at school
I [got] good grades
I have a MySpace
I have a Facebook
I spy with my little eye something that is green
I spy with my little eye something that is round
I spy with my little eye something that is broken
I've had surgery
Someone I know has died
Someone I know has had cancer
It's past my bedtime
I've moved before
I've moved 4+ times
I've gotten something removed <---WHAAT?? A spot? An organ?? ...sigh...
People tell me that they like my clothes
I wish I had some money right now
I have a job
I need a job
I actually got a stupid class ring
I’m listening to someone talking right now
I wish I could talk to the boy I like/love right now
I've kissed someone in front of my parents
I've kissed someone on New Year's
I love Halloween
I remember the last time I tripped
I can see a picture of me from where I’m sitting
I can see my reflection from where I’m sitting
I'm kinda scared of the dark
It's hard to sleep with the door open
It's hard to sleep without a blanket cover
It's morning
I played soccer when I was little
I played basketball when I was little
My ears are pierced
My belly button is pierced
I plan on going went to college
I plan on getting have been married
I plan on having have some a kids
I babysit
I still get an allowance
I curse a lot
I got so drunk last night
I've been to a wedding recently
I've met someone special on vacation
I have an accent
I'm completely white
I know someone who has been home-schooled
I know someone in a band
I can sing really well
I can dance really well
I've never slow danced with anyone
I suck at spelling
I suck at math
I recycle
I know some rednecks
I want to get a tattoo
I want to get a new piercing
I hate MTV and VH1
I miss an ex
I still love an ex
I've slapped someone
I've punched someone
I've been told that I have a nice butt
I think my boobs are too small
I can speak another language
I am fluent in another language
I can play the piano
I've been told that I can't dance
I'm a cheerleader
I have a sweet tattoo
I have a sweet facial piercing
I need to practice something
I want to go to Mexico
I want to go to Canada
I've traveled across the country
I live on the East Coast
I went to the beach last this summer
I remember the last time I was insanely sunburned
I like to waste time
I like to sleep
I think I’m going to get asked out soon
I keep a journal
I don't remember the last dream I had
My first kiss kinda sucked
I think smoking cigarettes is gross
I'm wearing something that belongs to someone else
My mom fixed the last meal I had
I should be doing homework right now
I'm adopted
I love sappy movies
I love horror movies
I love musicals
I've seen a Broadway show <--not ON Broadway, though
The last person I hugged was my mom/dad
All of my grandparents are alive
I miss my boyfriend
I haven’t talked to my best friend all day
People tell me that I'm short
Sometimes my socks don't match
I can't wait till my birthday
I'm a procrastinator
I'm not like everyone else
I like strawberries
I like thunderstorms
Someone’s mad at me right now
I hate when people are rude
I'm an optimist
My first relationship ended badly
I love when boys people hold doors open 
I've kissed 2+ people in one day
I bite my nails
I've been caught doing drugs
I've been caught cheating
I haven’t been to Disneyland/Disneyworld
I've passed out from drinking  <---I believe it was approx. 28 years ago
I get angry easily
I'm laid back
I hate most girls
I love getting new shoes
I hate Chinese food
I don't remember the last time I was grounded (because I never was)
I've been in love before
I've been cheated on
There are certain songs that remind me of my ex
I straighten my hair more often than i should
I've been to a funeral this year
I am insanely hungry right now
I liked this survey a lot
I should probably do something productive now

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Copyright ©2004- , Cat. All rights reserved. All opinions expressed on this weblog are those of the author. Nothing included in this blog is intended as a representation of the views of my employer or past employers, or anyone else unless so stated.